April 2016 - For details go to the newsletter LINK
Places without People - April 1-30, 2016
PLACES without PEOPLE is open during our Office Hours. Free and Open to the Public
Monday to Friday afternoons: 4-7 pm and
Tuesday and Thursday mornings: 9-12
photographic exhibit, Places Without People, was idea that came
about thanks to a pen pal project between two High School English Classes at
the Associazione Italo Americana FVG with a class of High School
Photography students at the Abington Friends School located
outside of Philadelphia. After Skyping with the American students
several times, we decided to collaborate on a creative project that would
deepen the students' new found connection and communication skills. Many of the
Italian students study architecture and wanted to explore the spirit of
buildings in their city without human presence. The students were divided into
project groups and were asked to interpret the theme in their own special way
and take photos that represented their group's idea.
The American students edited and printed the photos. The same
exhibit will be hanging in Philadelphia.
The Team from the Associazione Italo Americana FVG
Erin Russo
Students: Marta Blasina, Andrea Brizzi, Raffaele
Coccoluto, Diego Coslovich, Edoardo Debelli, Lucrezia
Debelli, Anna Fornasaro, Michela Fornasaro, Alice Glavina, Alice
Kalabota, Teresa Kucich, Teresa Luparelli, Elsa Mombelli, Raluca Paiu,
Francesca Pella, Piero Pitacco, Simone Rosai , Laura Somma, Danjel Stefani,
Alex Tommasin
The American Team from the Abington Friends School
Donna Russo
Kara Brownlie, Chandarith Chhay, Samantha Chisholm, Alyssa DeNofa, Gabrielle
Ford, Mia Panzak, Carly Shanken, Allie Slagter, Dariush Sosnowski
Places without People è una mostra collettiva, frutto di una collaborazione tra liceali che studiano
inglese presso l’Associazione Italo Americana FVG a Trieste e
liceali americani, che seguono un corso di fotografia all’Abington Friends
School, che si trova fuori Philadelphia. I ragazzi hanno
iniziato a corrispondere come Pen Pals, poi si sono sentiti e visti sul Skype.
Infine hanno deciso di collaborare in un progetto creativo per poter
approfondire la loro nuova amicizia e migliorare la loro capacità di
Molti degli studenti triestini sono amanti
dell’architettura e volevano esplorare lo spirito di diverse strutture nella
loro città senza la presenza umana.
Gli studenti sono stati divisi in gruppi di
lavoro con il compito di interpretare il tema a modo loro tramite fotografie
che rappresentavano il concetto condiviso con il gruppo.
Gli studenti americani hanno curato la stampa e
il montaggio delle foto. La stessa mostra verrà esposta anche a
L’equipe italiana dell’Associazione Italo
Americana FVG
Erin Russo: Insegnante
Studenti: Marta Blasina, Andrea
Brizzi, Raffaele Coccoluto, Diego Coslovich, Edoardo Debelli,
Lucrezia Debelli, Anna Fornasaro, Michela Fornasaro, Alice Glavina, Alice
Kalabota, Teresa Kucich, Teresa Luparelli, Elsa Mombelli, Raluca Paiu,
Francesca Pella, Piero Pitacco, Simone Rosai , Laura Somma, Danjel Stefani,
Alex Tommasin
L’equipe americana dell’Abington Friends School
Insegnante: Donna Russo
Studenti: Kara Brownlie, Chandarith Chhay,
Samantha Chisholm, Alyssa DeNofa, Gabrielle Ford, Mia Panzak, Carly Shanken,
Allie Slagter, Dariush Sosnowski
Spring 2016 Classes - Start Dates
Spring 2016 Classes start on Friday, April 1st.
Here is the complete list of Start Dates.
Yes, you can still register. Here is the link to full details and prices.
Friday, April 1st
20:00- Advanced English Conversation
Saturday, April 2nd
10:00 - Family English
11:00 - Elementary
Monday, April 4th
10:00 - Adult Advanced Beginner
16:00 - Adult Beginner
16:30 - Native Speaker - Elementary
18:00 - Adult Advanced Beginner
Tuesday, April 5th
10:00 - Adult Intermediate Conversation
15:30 - Pre-K
16:30 - Elementary
18:00 - Adult Intermediate Conversation
16:00 - Elementary
Wednesday, April 6th
15:00 - High School
16:00 - Pre-K
16:30 - Elementary
17:00 - Pre-K
18:00 - Adult Advanced Conversation
18:00 - Elementary
18:00 - Pre-K
Thursday, April 7th
15:00 - Middle School
16:30 - Elementary
17:00 - Pre-K
18:00 - High School
The Next Weekend Warrior is Saturday April 16 - 17
Closed for Easter
CLOSED for EASTER BREAK from Friday, March 25th until Wednesday, March 30th
We reopen Thursday March 31st.
No Classes or Activities during the break.
For information about SPRING CLASSES starting after Easter and SUMMER STEAM, go to our LINK or contact aiafrontdesk@gmail.com
Registration is Open and you can join a class at any time of the year.
We'll get back to you after the break.
We reopen Thursday March 31st.
No Classes or Activities during the break.
For information about SPRING CLASSES starting after Easter and SUMMER STEAM, go to our LINK or contact aiafrontdesk@gmail.com
Registration is Open and you can join a class at any time of the year.
We'll get back to you after the break.
March 21 -25 at American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG
What's up March 21 - 25, 2016 at American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG
All American Corner (AC) activities are Free and Open to the Public.

Monday, March 21st
4 pm - SUSTENANCE: CHICAGO and the FOOD CHAIN - Photographic Exhibit by Amanda Rivkin - Open during Office Hours until March 24th.
6pm – Conference- Agricoltura Provincia di Trieste -
In Italiano - con degustazione - Free and Open to the Public - Ingresso Libero (AC)
Azienda Agricola / Vinicola Zidarich
Azienda Agricola / Caseficio Vidali
8 pm - Made For Each Other - Soap Operas (AC)
This week: 21/03/2016 Tootsie. - the last appointment in the 2016 series. Thank you Leonardo Buonomo!
Tuesday, Mar. 22nd
9:30 am - Mom & Baby Survival Italian (AC)
10 am - Short Story Club Victory Garden Leader’s Handbook 1943, US Dept. of Agriculture. Victory Garden (AC)
Thursday, Mar. 24th
10 am - Mom and Baby Playdate in English (0-3 years) (AC)
10 am - Survival Italian for Adults (AC)
10 am - Maker Space (AC)
2, 4, 6:30, 9 pm - WILD - 1 hr 55 min. American Film Series at Cinema dei Fabbri. AIA FVG members only.
CLOSED for EASTER BREAK from Friday, Mar. 25th - Wednesday, March 30th - We reopen Thursday March 31st.
No Classes or Activities during the break.
For information about CLASSES starting after Easter, contact aiafrontdesk@gmail.com or go to our LINK. Registration is Open and you can join a class at any time of the year.
All American Corner (AC) activities are Free and Open to the Public.

Monday, March 21st
4 pm - SUSTENANCE: CHICAGO and the FOOD CHAIN - Photographic Exhibit by Amanda Rivkin - Open during Office Hours until March 24th.
In Italiano - con degustazione - Free and Open to the Public - Ingresso Libero (AC)
Azienda Agricola / Vinicola Zidarich
Azienda Agricola / Caseficio Vidali
8 pm - Made For Each Other - Soap Operas (AC)
This week: 21/03/2016 Tootsie. - the last appointment in the 2016 series. Thank you Leonardo Buonomo!
Tuesday, Mar. 22nd
9:30 am - Mom & Baby Survival Italian (AC)

Thursday, Mar. 24th
10 am - Mom and Baby Playdate in English (0-3 years) (AC)
10 am - Survival Italian for Adults (AC)
10 am - Maker Space (AC)
2, 4, 6:30, 9 pm - WILD - 1 hr 55 min. American Film Series at Cinema dei Fabbri. AIA FVG members only.
CLOSED for EASTER BREAK from Friday, Mar. 25th - Wednesday, March 30th - We reopen Thursday March 31st.
No Classes or Activities during the break.
For information about CLASSES starting after Easter, contact aiafrontdesk@gmail.com or go to our LINK. Registration is Open and you can join a class at any time of the year.
Spring and Summer English Classes at Associazione Italo Americana FVG

At Associazione Italo Americana FVG we have our Spring and Summer Calendar ready.
Registration is Open. Spring classes begin on Saturday, April 2nd. You can join our classes at any time of the year.
Here are the links:
SPRING English for Kids- 10 weeks
SPRING English for Adults - 10 weeks and
Weekend Warriors - 10 hours of English fluency on Saturday / Sunday
Hands on English learning for Pre K, Elementary, Middle School and High School
What's Up March 14-18, 2016
What's up March 14 - 18, 2016 at American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG
All American Corner (AC) activities are Free and Open to the Public.

Monday, March 14th
4 pm - SUSTENANCE: CHICAGO and the FOOD CHAIN - Photographic Exhibit by Amanda Rivkin - March 1 - 24
- Conferences March 14, 21 at 6 pm. Ingresso Libero - Free and Open to the Public (AC)
Conferenze in tema (AC) Ingresso Libero
Chicago Maxwell Street Community Garden Association - Michael Hrzic di Chicago, Presidente di un Orto Solidale che recupera spazi in città per urban farming. Volontari di ogni età lavorano la terra e poi distribuiscono la raccolta alle famiglie e persone svantaggiati.
8 pm - Made For Each Other - Soap Operas (AC)
This week: 14/03/2016 Soap. TV series. 1977-1981. Starring Katherine Helmond, Richard Mulligan, Billy Crystal. A parody on soap operas with the exaggerated stories of the Campbells and the Tates.
Next week: 21/03/2016 Tootsie.
Tuesday, Mar. 15th
9:30 am - Mom & Baby Survival Italian (AC)
10 am - Coffee Break in English - A cup of coffee and some great conversation. (AC)

Thursday, Mar. 17th
10 am - Nati per Leggere Bilingual Reading 0-3 yrs (0-3 years) (AC)
10 am - Survival Italian for Adults (AC)
10 am - Maker Space (AC)
8 pm - Women's Book Club - In Other Words by Jhumpa Lahiri
Friday, Mar. 18th
5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club (AC)
All American Corner (AC) activities are Free and Open to the Public.

Monday, March 14th
4 pm - SUSTENANCE: CHICAGO and the FOOD CHAIN - Photographic Exhibit by Amanda Rivkin - March 1 - 24
- Conferences March 14, 21 at 6 pm. Ingresso Libero - Free and Open to the Public (AC)

14/03/2016 ore 18 – Solidarietà Alimentare (conference in Italian)
Associazione Trieste Recupera - Paolo Luisi, Presidente. L'Associazione che esiste da 6 mese ha già recuperato 24 ton. di cibo dal mercato ortofrutticolo ed altri donatori e risdistribuito ai vari mense e strutture per i bisognosi
This week: 14/03/2016 Soap. TV series. 1977-1981. Starring Katherine Helmond, Richard Mulligan, Billy Crystal. A parody on soap operas with the exaggerated stories of the Campbells and the Tates.
Next week: 21/03/2016 Tootsie.
Tuesday, Mar. 15th
9:30 am - Mom & Baby Survival Italian (AC)
10 am - Coffee Break in English - A cup of coffee and some great conversation. (AC)

Thursday, Mar. 17th
10 am - Nati per Leggere Bilingual Reading 0-3 yrs (0-3 years) (AC)
10 am - Survival Italian for Adults (AC)
10 am - Maker Space (AC)
8 pm - Women's Book Club - In Other Words by Jhumpa Lahiri
Friday, Mar. 18th
Inauguration of Sustenance: Chicago and the Food Chain
MARCH 11, 2016
at American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG
Welcome everybody. Let me begin by saying how happy I am to be here in Trieste. This is my first visit to the American Corner Trieste. The Consolato USA a Milano is so proud of you! We at the Consulate are so happy to work with you. My appreciation goes to all the volunteers who devote their time, energy and talent to this precious space. I know that there are about seventy people who relentlessly endeavor to the many important cultural activities and initiatives and it’s an honor to get to know them personally today. A special thanks goes to Denise Tecchio, the wonderful coordinator of this institution. So, thank you dear friends of the American Corner.
I am also very happy that my visit here coincides with the opening of the exhibit Sustenance: Chicago and the Food Chain.
This exhibit was first brought to Milan during the Expo 2015 Milano, and was conceived and produced by Art Works Projects, a wonderful Chicago-based organization whose mission is to use design and the arts to raise awareness about human rights issues around the globe.
This exhibition showcases the urban food system in Chicago, Illinois, in America’s Midwest. In 1893, Chicago hosted one of the greatest world’s fair in history, the World’s Columbian Exposition, which marked the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the New World.
In just a few minutes, Michael Hrzic will talk to you about Sustenance: Chicago and the Food Chain and the Chicago gardens you will see in the photographs.
During the Expo, themes about feeding the planet, about sustainability, and about innovation, were discussed every day as part of Expo’s vitally important global platform, which itself was designed to overcome some of the same challenges being faced all over the world.
This exhibit serves to remind us that these universal challenges not only affect us all, but that each of us has a responsibility to be a positive link in the food chain.
The U.S. engagement in and around Expo was both substantive and successful. Dubbed as the “intellectual pavilion,” the USA Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015 served as a global platform for issues raised by Expo’s compelling theme: Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.
U.S. policies, innovation, and leadership were presented on issues of food security; sustainability; food production and distribution; mitigating food waste; climate change and environmental issues; health and nutrition; clean water, and other priority topics of the Obama Administration.
At over 100 “Terrace Talks” on USA Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015’s rooftop, at special conferences, and in Expo-hosted symposia, American scholars, scientists, government experts, chefs, and even astronauts, provided diverse views, cutting edge technology, and some deceptively simple solutions—all with an eye towards feeding nine billion people by 2050.
Let me conclude by quoting U.S. Department of State Secretary Kerry when he visited EXPO. “...Food security is global security,” he said. “...and climate change is perhaps the most significant threat to global food security today...We consider the connection, between food security and climate change to be a central pillar of our foreign policy…”
“Here in Europe, we are in the middle of one of the worst refugee crises in decades. …the horrific refugee situation that we’re facing today will pale in comparison to the mass migrations that intense droughts, …and other impacts of climate change are likely to bring about…”
As John Kerry stood there, in the last month of Expo, he was already looking toward Paris, and the COP-21 environmental talks that, under the strong leadership of the President Obama’s Administration, would lead to the most sweeping global agreement to fight climate change in history.
“There is no question that the challenges that we are facing are significant,” Secretary Kerry said, in closing. “The United States stands ready to work with all countries. I think that the quality of the U.S.-Italy relationship today it’s never been stronger. We’re working so hard on so many of these challenges, and we will work together to guarantee that people will be able to live up to their fullest potential and live the strong and healthy lives that they deserve.”
So when you look at these photographs tonight, and think about the legacy of Expo, remember not only that food security, and climate change, and global security are tightly linked, but that these challenges that we grappled with for the six months of Expo, and through the climate talks in Paris, will continue, but that we will continue to make overcoming them a United States’ priority.
Thank you and enjoy the exhibition.
U.S. Consul General, Milan, Amb. Philip T. Reeker at the opening of the “Sustenance: Chicago and the Food Chain” 📷 exhibit at the American Corner in Trieste (March 11, 2016)
What's Up March 7 - 11
What's Up March 7-11 at American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG
All American Corner (AC) activities are Free and Open to the Public.

Monday, March 7th
4 pm - SUSTENANCE: CHICAGO and the FOOD CHAIN - Photographic Exhibit by Amanda Rivkin - March 1 - 24 - Conferences March 7, 11, 14, 21. Ingresso Libero - Free and Open to the Public (AC)
Conferenze in tema
7/03/2016 ore 18 – Orti Comunali a Trieste
Comune di Trieste
- arch. Elena Marchigiani, assessore alla Pianificazione urbana
- arch. Andrea Dapretto. assessore ai Lavori pubblici
- arch. Anna Nisi, tecnico del Verde Pubblico curatrice del progetto orti
7/03/2016 ore 18 – Orti Comunali a Trieste
Comune di Trieste
- arch. Elena Marchigiani, assessore alla Pianificazione urbana
- arch. Andrea Dapretto. assessore ai Lavori pubblici
- arch. Anna Nisi, tecnico del Verde Pubblico curatrice del progetto orti

This week: Dolores Claiborne (AC) - next week - Soap

9:30 am - Mom & Baby Survival Italian (AC)
10 am - The Triangle Fire - PBS Documentary Film. The 1911 fire that killed over 100 women in the New York Triangle Shirtwaist Factory and was one of the events leading up to International Women's Day. 60 min. (AC)
Thursday, Mar. 10th
9:30 am - Mom & Baby Playdate in English (0-3 years) (AC)
10 am - Survival Italian for Adults (AC)
10 am - Maker Space (AC)
Friday, Mar. 11th

6 pm - INAUGURATION Sustanance: Chicago and the Food Chain
con l’Ambasciatore Philip T. Reeker, Console Generale USA a Milano
Conference – The EXPO Milano 2015 Legacy. Feed the Planet
Chicago Maxwell Street Community Garden Association - Michael Hrzic -Conference: Maxwell Street Community Garden Association and Sustenance
Sustenance Chicago and the Food Chain

The Official INAUGURATION is:
Friday, March 11, 2016 at 6 pm. with the presence of Ambassador, Consul General Philip T. Reeker.
The Complete Calendar of Events:
Mostra e Conferenze ad Ingresso Libero
lunedì a venerdì 16-19, martedì e giovedì 9-12
Conferenze in tema
7/03/2016 ore 18 – Orti Comunali a Trieste
Comune di Trieste
- arch. Elena Marchigiani, assessore alla Pianificazione urbana
- arch. Andrea Dapretto. assessore ai Lavori pubblici
- arch. Anna Nisi, tecnico del Verde Pubblico curatrice del progetto orti
Associazione Annadana
7/03/2016 ore 18 – Orti Comunali a Trieste
Comune di Trieste
- arch. Elena Marchigiani, assessore alla Pianificazione urbana
- arch. Andrea Dapretto. assessore ai Lavori pubblici
- arch. Anna Nisi, tecnico del Verde Pubblico curatrice del progetto orti
Associazione Annadana
INAUGURAZIONE 11/03 ore 18
Conferenza – The EXPO 2015 Legacy. Feed the Planet – Nutrire il Pianeta
Conference: Maxwell Street Community Garden Association and Sustenance
14/03/2016 ore 18 – Solidarietà Alimentare
Associazione Trieste Recupera
Chicago Maxwell Street Community Garden Association
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