Newsletter March 2016

MARCH 2016 NEWSLETTER - AIA-FVG / American Corner Trieste

MARCH -   Think Spring and it will soon be Summer!  Visit the Sustenance: Chicago and the Food Chain Photographic Exhibit.  Participate in one of the related Sustenance: Trieste Conferences on Monday evenings.  Go to Made For Each Other.  Registration is Open for Spring and Summer Courses. Link to the Newsletter in calendar formatAdd us to your address book!

Our Hours are:  Mornings:  Tuesday and Thursday 9–12,   Afternoons:  Monday to Friday 4-7. 
During Office Hours, you can renew your Membership or Course with Cash, Pick up your receipts for IBAN Payments, Check Out Books, DVD’s Magazines. 

CLOSED for EASTER VACATION from Friday, March 25th until Wednesday March 30thNO Classes or Activities during those dates. 

You can become a member at any time of year!  Here is the Membership Form.  You can pay cash or pay via IBAN.  Remember to fill in and scan your Membership Form along with the copy of your IBAN Payment.  Prices remain unchanged:  €35 for the Regular Adult Membership and €25 for Reduced Membership - Students age 16 and over, Teachers and over age 65.  To attend courses, the student (or a parent) must be a member).  Membership is valid for checking out books, magazines, DVD’s and for 9 films in the 2015/16 American Cinema Series in the Original Version at Cinema dei Fabbri and plus reduced ticket prices on other films at Fabbri.  Membership is valid until August 31, 2016.

REGISTRATION is open for SPRING Classes that begin after the Easter break on April 2nd.  Here are the Course Offerings for KIDS and ADULTS .   If there is space, after contacting us, you can join start a course at any time of the year.  Remember to pick up your receipts at the Front Desk during Office Hours.  Do you need to change day or class?  No problem, we’ll try to help.  Questions?

Looking Ahead to SUMMER for your Children – Pre-K through High School? 

WEEKEND WARRIOR FULL IMMERSION ENGLISH for ADULTS.   – The monthly dates have been set for the year - 1 weekend each month.  The next session is March 19-20, 2-7 pm on Saturday and Sunday.  10 hours of intensive English over the weekend. Objective: English Fluency!  Too busy during the week?  This is for you.  Start communicating in English, fast!
NEW – FRIDAY NIGHT ADVANCED ADULT CONVERSATION – Friday evenings from 8:00pm–9:30pm – until May 20th.

TOEFL and SAT EXAM PREPARATION – Contact us if you will be taking the exams to go to the university in the US.  We have set up a class to help you.


Free and Open to the Public at American Corner TriesteMarch 1 – 24.  During Office Hours
The realities of food access in Chicago through the eyes of children at home, school, and in their communities. Urban Farming, Community Food Projects, Healthy Food for Kids in the “Windy City” of Chicago.
Amanda Rivkin, American photographer of National Geographic, Time and Newsweek fame, illustrates the amazing work done in inner city Chicago.  The exhibit has been displayed in Chicago and Milan at the Museo delle Scienze e della Tecnologia during EXPO Milano 2015. 

March 7, 6 pm – PROGETTO ORTI COMUNALI a TRIESTE (Trieste Vegetable Garden Project)
Comune di Trieste
Elena Marchigiani, assessore alla Pianificazione urbana,  arch. Andrea Dapretto. assessore ai Lavori pubblici, - arch. Anna Nisi, tecnico del Verde Pubblico curatrice del progetto orti
Associazione Annadana

March 11, 6 pm INAUGURATION
Ambassador Philip T. Reeker, Consul General USA Milan - The EXPO Milano 2015 Legacy.  Feeding the Planet 
Chicago Maxwell Street Garden Community Association - Michael Hrzic - Historical significance of Chicago community gardens to the immigrant population in the early 20th century

March 14, 6 pm – SOLIDARIETA’ ALIMENTARE (Food Solidarity)

Associazione Trieste Recupera
Chicago Maxwell Street Garden Community Association

March 21, 6pm – AGRICOLTURA – PROVINCIA di TRIESTE (Agriculture in the Trieste area)
Azienda Agricola / Caseficio Vidali

THE AMERICAN FILM SERIES continues at Cinema dei FabbriYou can become a member even after the series starts.  ONLY Members can attend the American Film Series.  No single tickets can be sold.
Mar. 3rd at 1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 pm – UNBROKEN(137 min.) Dir. Angelina Jolie. Starring Jack O’Connell, Miyavi, Domhnall Gleeson. Biography/Drama, True Story.  After a near-fatal plane crash in WWII, Olympian Louis Zamperini spends a harrowing 47 days in a raft with two fellow crewmen before he's caught by the Japanese navy and sent to a prisoner-of-war camp.

Mar. 24th at, 2, 4, 6:30, 9 pm – WILD – (115 min.) Dir. Jean-Marc Vallée. Starring Reese Witherspoon, Laura Dern. Adventure/Drama.  A true chronicle of one woman's 1,100-mile solo hike undertaken as a way to recover from a recent personal tragedy.

THE TRIANGLE FIRE - Free and Open to the Public at American Corner Trieste
March 8th – 10 am   (PBS Documentary , 60 min.) – The tragic 1911 fire was one of the events that led to International Women’s Day.  The deadliest workplace accident in New York City’s history. Over a hundred innocent people, mainly women, remained trapped inside the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory. Schools are welcome to attend, upon reservation to

MADE for EACH OTHER –– Free and Open to the Public at American Corner Trieste
Monday Nights at 8 pm – February 15th – March 21.  Same theme – different Media.  One week a TV Series and the next week a Film, in English.  American Pop Culture 101.  Commentary by Leonardo Buonomo. Upoming Themes Include: Tough Maine Women, Soap Operas. 
TOUGH MAINE WOMEN:  29/02/2016 - Olive Kitteridge 7/03/2016 - Dolores Claiborne
SOAP OPERAS:                     14/03/2016 - Soap                   21/03/2016 - Tootsie

ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS and FAMILIES – Free and Open to the Public

FAMILY FILM NIGHT - FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC at American Corner Trieste
Every month we will have a cartoon family film in English.  Bring the kids, the grandchildren.  Take a break! Bring some friends. Cartoon Feature Films in English for all ages. Here is the list for 2015/16.  This month: 
DATE CHANGE - March 18th , 5:30 pm – LILO & STITCH  (Disney, 2002, 125 min)  A Hawaiian girl adopts an unusual pet who is actually a notorious extra-terrestrial fugitive from the law.
AMERICAN CORNER TEEN CLUB - AC TC - Every Friday from 5-7 pm
Make, Create, Hang out in English.  Free and Open to all Middle and High School Students.  Every week a different activity.  Cooking, Playing, Coding, Karaoke.  Check it out!

MOMS and BABIES (0-3 yrs)
MOM & BABY SURVIVAL ITALIAN - Every Tuesday from 9:30 – 10:30 am.  Meet some other moms, learn some Survival Italian in an informal setting.  Bring the Baby!
MOM & BABY PLAYDATE in English – Every Thursday from 9:30 – 11:30 am – Meet Moms.  Hang out in our baby friendly space and let the kids play together.
NATI per LEGGERE Bilingual Storytime Reading for ages 0-3 years with Moms or Caregivers.  Thursday, March 17th 10-11 am.  Give your baby a head start on life.  Read together!  It’s good for your baby and for good for you.  Monthly appointment.
MAKER CREATOR SPACE – Every Thursday from 10-12.  Use our sewing machines, knit or sew in company.  We’re working on a logo. 
In Other Words by Jhumpa Lahiri.   Send us an email for details.

Mar. 15th - 10-12 - COFFEE BREAK – Enjoy some English conversation and a cup of coffee.
Mar. 22nd – 10 -11 am - SHORT STORY CLUB – Victory Garden Leader’s Handbook 1943, US Dept. of Agriculture. 

SURVIVAL ITALIAN Conversation for Adults – Informal conversation in Italian for Italian language learners.  No homework, no stress.

April - LE VIE delle FOTO – AIA FVG High School Students are preparing a collaborative photographic exhibit entitled PLACES without PEOPLE with a High School in Pennsylvania.

AMERICAN CORNER TRIESTE – Programs, consultation of the library, public internet access computers, and Wi-Fi are always free and open to the public.  A great place to study, meet friends, bring your kids.  The US Department of State has granted us a Gold Standard rating in terms of programs, facilities, services! In addition to our regular library, we also feature an Education Advising Section, Children’s Corner Library and Women’s Space.  Consult our on line catalog of Books and DVD’s


Remember that we are a volunteer organization.  We are looking for people to work in the afternoons at the Front Desk, manage library checkouts, help at the cinema, manage our morning programs, help with seasonal events, mentor teens and a variety of other roles.  Contact us!  We’ll keep you busy!

March 2016 calendar

Sustenance and Women's History Month

Spring and Summer English Classes at Associazione Italo Americana FVG

Think Spring . . . and soon it will be Summer

At Associazione Italo Americana FVG we have our Spring and Summer Calendar ready. 
Registration is Open.  Spring classes begin on Saturday, April 2nd.  

Here are the links: 

SPRING English for Adults - 10 weeks and 
Weekend Warriors - 10 hours of English fluency on Saturday / Sunday

Hands on English learning for Pre K, Elementary, Middle School and High School
Take 1 week or more!

Need more info?     040 63 03 01

What's Up Feb. 29- Mar 4

What's Up Feb. 22-26 at American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG

All American Corner (AC) activities are Free and Open to the Public.

Monday, Feb. 29th
8 pm - Made For Each Other - Tough Maine Women
This week: Olive Kitteridge (AC) - next week - Dolores Claiborne

Tuesday, Mar. 1st
9 am - OPENING of SUSTENANCE: CHICAGO and the FOOD CHAIN - Photographic Exhibit by Amanda Rivkin - March 1 - 24 - Conferences March 7, 11, 14, 21.  Ingresso Libero - Free and Open to the Public (AC)
9:30 am - Mom & Baby Survival Italian (AC)

Thursday, Mar. 3rd
9:30 am - Mom & Baby Playdate in English (0-3 years)  (AC)
10 am - Survival Italian for Adults (AC)
10 am - Maker Space (AC)
1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 pm - UNBROKEN - American Film Series at Cinema dei Fabbri - AIA FVG Members Only

Friday, Mar. 4th
5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club (AC)

Sustenance: Chicago and the Food Chain Programs

Mostra Fotografica
di Amanda Rivkin
Solidarietà Alimentare, Orti Comunali e Progetti a Spreco Zero 
nella “Windy City”
Dal 1 al 24 marzo 2016

American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG
Piazza Sant’Antonio, 6 – Trieste

Mostra e Conferenze ad Ingresso Libero
lunedì a venerdì 16-19, martedì e giovedì 9-12

Conferenze in tema 
7/03/2016 ore 18 – Orti Comunali a Trieste 
Comune di Trieste
- arch. Elena Marchigiani, assessore alla Pianificazione urbana
- arch. Andrea Dapretto. assessore ai Lavori pubblici
- arch. Anna Nisi, tecnico del Verde Pubblico curatrice del progetto orti
Associazione Annadana

INAUGURAZIONE  11/03 ore 18
Conferenza – The EXPO 2015 Legacy.  Feed the Planet – Nutrire il Pianeta
from the Maxwell Street Community Garden Project featured in the Sustenance Exhibit.  

14/03/2016 ore 18 – Solidarietà Alimentare
Associazione Trieste Recupera
Chicago Maxwell Street Community Garden Association

21/03/2016 ore 18 – Agricoltura Provincia di Trieste
Azienda Agricola / Vinicola Zidarich 
            Azienda Agricola / Caseficio Vidali


American Corner Trieste /
Associazione Italo Americana FVG
P. Sant’Antonio, 6, 34122 Trieste – Italy, tel 040630301 @AIAFVG  Facebook¬

Per sapere di più della realtà locale 
Elenco delle Associazioni, Enti ed Aziende che hanno collaborato con 
l’Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste 
per le conferenze durante la mostra 
“Sustenance: Chicago and the Food Chain”
Trieste, 1-24 marzo 2016

Comune di Trieste

Associazione Annadana

Associazione TriesteRecupera

Maxwell Street Community Garden

Azienda Agricola Zidarich

Azienda Agricola Vidali     040 226713

Associazione Italo Americana FVG/ American Corner Trieste

STEAM Summer 2016

English Classes for

Pre-School, Elementary, 
   Middle School, High School

STEAM Weeks at Associazione Italo Americana FVG:  Exciting and hands-on learning opportunity for young people, applying integrated skills and with a special emphasis on the STEAM curriculum areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) in English.  You will learn by doing, and having fun…in English.  The groups are divided by class level:  Pre-School, Elementary, Middle and High School, with theme weeks. For both Native and Non -Native Speakers.
STEAM Weeks are held in Piazza Sant'Antonio, 6.

In order to take a class with us, 1 parent must become a member.  Students age 16 and over can become members on their own. See membership information.  During the Summer, the 2015/16 Membership Cost (valid until 31/8/2016) is Included in the Price of the course.  You will still need to fill in our Membership Form.

Need more info? Tel  040 63 03 01

As always, when you pay with an IBAN, you have a 5% discount on the class.  Please write the Student Name, Class Name, Class Day, Class Time on your causale.
Our IBAN: IT49A0200802290000005261887

Participation in ALL weeks is NOT compulsory. For example, you can choose to participate in week 1 only or week 1 and week 3 and so on…. 

PRE-SCHOOL - Euro 150 per week (IBAN Euro 142.50), 15 hours total, 9:00 to 12:00 daily
Week 1. July 11th- 15th
Week 2. July 18th - 22nd
Week 3. August 22nd - 26th 
Week 4. August 29th - September 2nd

ELEMENTARY - Euro 150 per week (IBAN Euro 142.50), 15 hours total, 9:00 to 12:00 daily
Week 1. July 11th- 15th
Week 2. July 18th - 22nd
Week 3. August 22nd - 26th 
Week 4. August 29th – September 2nd 

MIDDLE SCHOOL - Euro 150 per week (IBAN Euro 142.50), 15 hours total, 9:00 to 12:00 daily
Week 1. June 27th  – July 1st
Week 2. July 4th - July 8th
Week 3. August 22nd - 26th 
Week 4. August 29th – September 2nd 

HIGH SCHOOL - Euro 150 per week (IBAN Euro 142.50), 15 hours total, 9:00 to 12:00 daily
Week 1. June 27th  – July 1st
Week 2. July 4th - July 8th
Week 3. August 22nd - 26th 
Week 4. August 29th – September 2nd 

Do we have SUMMER ENGLISH COURSES for ADULTS?  YES, We do!  Here is the link

Spring Adult English Classes

English for ADULTS 
Spring 2016 
Associazione Italo Americana FVG
For information :
phone: 040 63 03 01

Starts week of
Ends week of

3 April
13 June

AIAFVG is closed on the following dates:
ü  25 aprile
ü  2 giugno 

BEGINNER (no previous English) - 2 hours/week
Monday – 16:00 - 18:00 

ADVANCED BEGINNER - 2 hours/week
Monday - 10:00 - 12:00 / 18:00 - 20:00

Tuesday – 10:00 – 12:00 / 18:00 – 20:00

Tuesday – 10:00 - 12:00 / 
Wednesday - 18:00 – 20:00

Friday - 20:00 - 21:30 - Starting January 29th 
 Dates: January: 29, 
February: 5, 12, 19, 26, 
March: 4, 11, 18, 
April:1, 8, 15, 22, 
May: 6, 13, 20
*  We can calculate the price if you join after the start date.

WEEKEND WARRIOR - 10 hours total
Saturday and Sunday (14:00-19:00 both days)
March 19-20                           
April 16-17
May 21-22                               
June 18-19

TOEFL for ADULTS NEW! – Contact us for information 

10 weeks - 

- 5% discount 
(237,50€ with IBAN)
Adv. Beginner
(237,50€ with IBAN)
Intermediate Conversation
(237,50€ with IBAN)
Advanced Conversation
(237,50€ with IBAN)

Friday Night Advanced Conversation
(267,19€ with IBAN)

Weekend Warrior (10 hrs)
125€ – (118,75€ with IBAN)
 (118,75€ with IBAN)

Cash, check or IBAN - IT49A0200802290000005261887 (with IBAN bank transfer, there is a 5% discount).  Please specify in the Causale: Student Name, Class Name, Class Day and Class Time).
Contanti, assegno oppure via IBAN. Se pagate via IBAN verrà applicato lo sconto del 5%, IBAN IT49A0200802290000005261887, specificare nella causale: Nome del Corso, Nome dello studente, Giorno e ora del corso. 

Membership:  All participants must be members of the Associazione Italo Americana del FVG. Adult members:  €35, Students over 16, Teachers,
Over 65: €25 Under 16 must have an adult member in the family.