Dec. 12-16 - Assembly, Babies, Trumbo, Coding, Short Stories!

Assembly Meeting, Nati per Leggere, Short Story Club, Trumbo, Coding and MORE!

American Corner Trieste Activities are always Free and Open to the Public.

Mon. Dec. 12th
6 pm - Assemblea Ordinaria dei Soci dell'Associazione Italo Americana FVG

Tues. Dec. 13th
10 am - Mom & Baby Survival Italian - Just arrived in Trieste, don't speak much Italian, You are Italian, are home with your baby and want to meet other Moms?  Come on down and bring the baby.

10 am - Short Story Club We will discuss  "On Christmas Day in the Morning" by Pearl S. Buck.  You can find the story online at this LINK.    

Thurs. Dec. 14th

1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 pm - TRUMBO - American Film Series at Teatro dei Fabbri.

8 pm - Women's Book Club - discussing - The Illegal Gardner by Sara Alexi

Fri. Dec. 15th
6 pm - HOUR of CODE with Teen Club

Coming UP:

December 8-9-10-11

December 23, 2016 until January 8, 2017. 

WINTER COURSES for KIDS and ADULTSbegin on January 9, 2017.  You're still in time to register.  Send us an email at to see if there is space in the section you request.  If there is space, you can begin a course at any time of the year.  

SAVE THE DATE!  Monday, Jan. 9, 2017-  5 pm 
Screen Time.  When to Unplug:  A Conference for Educators, Parents, Librarians with Beth Holland of EdTech TeacherEdutopiaEdudemic.  Ms. Holland's visit is made possible thanks to the U.S. Embassy to Italy.  Free and Open to the Public.

Closed for Vacation

L’Associazione rimarrà chiusa:  8-9-10 dicembre.  
  • NO Corsi Collettivi, 
  • NO Amministrazione, 
  • NO Biblioteca. 

Per NATALE saremo CHIUSI dal 23/12.  Si riapre il 9 gennaio.

Per emergenze:                349 8 66666 7
Per informazioni: 
oppure il il web:    

Buone Feste! Lo Staff
The Association is closed Dec. 8-9-10.  
For Christmas we're closed from December 23rd.  
We reopen January 9th.  

Happy Holidays!

For Emergencies:            349 8 66666 7
For Information:  
or on the web:      

Dec 5-11 at American Corner TS, AIA FVG

COOKIE FEST Photos, Closed Dec. 8-9-10-11, Winter Session Course Registration, Tuesday Coffee Break, December 12th Assemblea and more!

American Corner Trieste Activities are always Free and Open to the Public.

If you missed the Cookie Fest and Santa Visit last Friday, you can view the photos at this LINK.  Thanks Santa and all Volunteers!  

Tues. Dec. 6th
10 am - Mom & Baby Survival Italian - Just arrived in Trieste, don't speak much Italian, You are Italian, are home with your baby and want to meet other Moms?  Come on down and bring the baby.

10 am - Tuesday Coffee Break - A cup of Coffee and some great conversation in English, naturally.  

Dec 8 - 9- 10 - 11
CLOSED for Italian National Holiday

Coming UP:

Dec. 12th - Assemblea Ordinaria dei Soci dell'Associazione Italo Americana FVG.

CLOSED December 23, 2016 until January 8, 2017. 

WINTER COURSES for KIDS and ADULTS begin on January 9, 2017.  You're still in time to register.  Send us an email at to see if there is space in the section you request.  If there is space, you can begin a course at any time of the year.  

Jan. 9, 2017-  5 pm -  
Screen Time.  When to Unplug:  A Conference for Educators, Parents, Librarians with Beth Hollandof EdTech TeacherEdutopiaEdudemic.  Ms. Holland's visit is made possible thanks to the U.S. Embassy to Italy.  

Santa Visit and Cookie Fest

Start the Holiday Season on December 2nd.
The kids are trimming the tree!
Bring your favorite Holiday Cookies and Treats to Share.
Free and Open to the Public.

This Week - Cookie Fest & Santa Visit, Short Story Club and More!

Nov. 28 - Dec 2 at American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG

Looking forward to Christmas and the New Year!    
American Corner Trieste Activities are always Free and Open to the Public.

Tues. Nov. 29th
10 am - Short Story Club - We'll discuss: Giving Thanks for Delaying the Onset of Christmas  by Bill Bryson  .  Here is the link to the story.

10 am - Mom & Baby Survival Italian - Just arrived in Trieste, don't speak much Italian, You are Italian, are home with your baby and want to meet other Moms?  Come on down and bring the baby. 

Thurs. Dec 1st
10 am - Mom & Baby Playdate in English - Just arrived in Trieste, don't speak much Italian, You are Italian, are home with your baby and want to meet other Moms?  Come on down and bring the baby. 

Fri. Dec 2nd
5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club

Coming UP:

CLOSED FOR VACATION - No Group Classes, No Administration or Library
- December 8-11th. 
- December 23rd until January 8th. 

Dec. 12th - Assemblea Ordinaria dei Soci dell'Associazione Italo Americana FVG

Dec. 17-18 Weekend Warrior - Full Immersion English 10 hours in 2 days.  Register Early!

Jan. 9, 5 pm -  
Screen Time.  When to Unplug:  A Conference for Educators, Parents, Librarians with Beth Holland of EdTech Teacher, Edutopia, Edudemic.  Ms. Holland's visit is made possible thanks to the U.S. Embassy to Italy.  

Thanksgiving 2016

What a wonderful evening!  Thanks to all of our volunteers who made the event possible.    
The food, the music and the company were all DYN-O-MITE!
See you all the same time next year!
View the photos on this LINK.

December 2016 Newsletter

DECEMBER 2016:  Cookies, Carols, Santa!    Happy Holidays. We’re doing it all this month. Cookie Fest and Santa Visit, Reading, Discussions, Hour of Code.  View the Newsletter on the Blog in Text or in Calendar Format.  Theme of the Month: The Holidays.

ADD US TO YOUR ADDRESS BOOK so that you can continue to receive our updates.  Forward the newsletter to a friend!

Regular Hours: Mornings: Tues. and Thurs. 9–12, Afternoons:  Mon. through Fri. 4-7
During Office Hours, you can Pay for a Course with Cash, Pick up your receipts for IBAN Payments, Check Out Books, DVD’s Magazines.  Questions?
Holidays:  Closed from December 8-11 and from December 23 – January 8.  No Group Lessons, Office or Library Services during that period. 

SANTA VISIT: Decorate the Tree, Pictures with Santa, Deliver your Letter to Santa, Sing Holiday Carols
AMERICAN COOKING SCHOOL: Holiday Recipes, Christmas Cookies and Treats
Bring your kids and your favorite Holiday Cookies (and recipes) to share. 

Report, Approval of Balance Sheet, Various. 

THANKSGIVING 2016 – What a wonderful evening!  Thanks to all of our volunteers who made the event possible.  View the photos on this LINK.  The food and the music were dynamite!

The event scheduled for December 2nd about the Integration of Immigrant and Minority Children through Education has been postponed until later in 2017. 

9/01/2017, 5 pm –SCREEN TIME.  When to UnplugA Conference for Educators, Parents, Librarians.  Beth Holland of EdTechTeacher, Edutopia,will speak on screen time and the challenges for teachers and parents in maintaining a balance between the physical and virtual worlds as well as in ensuring that screens are used in appropriate, meaningful and empowering ways.  Beth Holland’s Conference is made possible thanks to the U.S. Embassy to Italy.

Here are the Course schedules for 2016/17:  KIDS and ADULTS.  The next Weekend Warrior Full Immersion Intensive Weekend is December 17-18.  The Winter Session begins on January 9th for 10 weeks.  If you are a new student, contact us before making a payment to see if there is availability.  Many classes have waiting lists.  If you are on a waiting list, we will contact you soon regarding your status.  Remember to pick up your receipts at the Front Desk during our Office Hours. 

TESOL Italy – Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.  3 AIA FVG teachers presented at the TESOL Italy National Convention in Rome in November.  Karoline and Janine spoke about Project Based Learning in the Inclusive Classroom and Marina about Pronunciation.  AIA FVG / American Corner Trieste teachers will also be presenting at the TESOL Val D’Adige Local Convention in Bolzano in mid-December.

2016/17 Membership Year began on September 1stHere is the Membership Form.  Membership prices remain unchanged.  €25 – Ridotto for Students 16 and over, Teachers and 65 and over.  €35 – Intero.  Membership is valid until August 31, 2017.  You can become a member at any time of the year.  Don’t miss the next film!

36th AMERICAN FILM SERIES  at Teatro dei Fabbri – Showtimes:  13:30. 16, 18:30, 21
The film series continues. Great American films in Original Version.  2016/17 Members Only.  Become a member during Office Hours.
15/12 TRUMBO. Dir. Jay Roach. Starring Bryan Cranston, Diane Lane, Helen Mirren. Biography, Drama. 2h 4 min.


·         Family Film Festival – no film in December
·         Nati per Leggere – 15/12, 10 am - Bilingual Reading English / Italian for ages 0-3 years.
·         Mom & Baby Survival Italian – Every Tuesday, 10 am
·         Mom & Baby Playgroup in English – Every Thursday, 10 am
·         Teen Club – Every Friday from 5 -7 pm
·         Hour of Code – 16/12 at Teen Club.  +100M have done an Hour of Code.  

·         Maker Space & Survival Italian for Adults – Every Thursday at 10 am
·         15/12, 8 pm - Women’s Book Club – Discussing The Illegal Gardener by Sara Alexi.    Send an email to to participate.
·         06/12, 10 am - Tuesday Coffee Break
·         13/12, 10 am - Short Story Club – Christmas Day in the Morning  by Pearl S. Buck.
·         09/01/17, 5 pm – Teacher Learning Network – Screen Time.  When to Unplug. With Beth Hall

We are a Volunteer Run Non-Profit Association.
Volunteers run our Library, American Corner Programs and Activities.  We are looking for Volunteers to Mentor and Manage the Teen Club, Assist with the Nati per Leggere program, Work at the Cinema, Help with our Morning Activities.  Send us an email.  We’ll find a role for you.  University of Trieste students in Humanities or P.R. can earn Internship Credit Hours with us (CFU).   We accept students with a minimum of 75 hours (3 CFU).  You'll have a great experience and improve your English, while you learn valuable people skills. Contact us! 

AMERICAN CORNER TRIESTE – Programs, consultation of the library, public internet access computers, and Wi-Fi are always free and open to the public.  A great place to study, meet friends, bring your kids.  The US Department of State has granted us a Gold Standard rating in terms of programs, facilities, services! In addition to our regular library, we also feature an Education Advising Section, Children’s Corner Library and Women’s Space.  Consult our on line catalog of Books and DVDs.
The American Corner also offers English and Life Skills Courses for Refugees thanks to a U.S. Government Grant.

On November 17th, in occasion of the TESOL Convention in Rome, we were honored to be invited to the Embassy to speak about the many programs at American Corner Trieste.     

Hours: Monday- Friday 4-7 pm, Tuesday and Thursday 9-12

December 2016 Calendar

December 2016 at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste

Assemblea Ordinaria Soci - 12/12/2016

Trieste, 24 novembre 2016


L’assemblea ordinaria dei soci è convocata il giorno 12 dicembre 2016 in prima adunanza alle ore 17.30 e in SECONDA ADUNANZA ALLE ORE 18.00 presso la sede in Piazza S. Antonio n.6.

Ordine del giorno:
1) Comunicazioni
2) Approvazione del bilancio consuntivo e preventivo
3) Varie ed eventuali

 Il Presidente

Leonardo Buonomo   
Con la presente delego ……….......………...……………………. a rappresentarmi all’assemblea ordinaria dell’Associazione Italo-Americana FVG del giorno 12 dicembre 2016.
FIRMA …………………………………………………………………….......


US Embassy to Italy Visit in Rome

A VIP Visit to the U.S. Embassy to Italy in Rome.  
The American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG paid a courtesy visit on Thursday, November 17, 2016 in occasion of the TESOL Italy Convention 2016.  

We presented some of our many successful American Corner Projects:
  • Refugee English Classes for Life Skills
  • Professional Development for English Teachers
  • Nati per Leggere Bilingual 0-3 yrs
  • Mom & Baby Groups
  • Maker Space
  • Teen Club
  • Book Club and Short Story Club
  • Coffee Breaks
  • Special Events, Thematic Film Series, Guest Speakers
  • and More...
Did you know that American Corner Trieste offers over 30 free programs per month with an average of 2500 visitors/month?

Thanks to sustaining funds from the U.S. State Department, we can update our equipment, improve our services and offer specific programs.  

All American Corner Trieste events are Free and Open to the Public and the Projects are VOLUNTEER RUN.  

AIA FVG Teachers at TESOL Italy 2016

Associazione Italo Americana FVG Teachers are Rock Stars!  

At the TESOL Italy National Convention in Rome on November 18-19, 2016, three of our teachers Participated and Presented as Speakers.

TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) is the International Association for Professional Development for English Language Teachers.  There are over 11,000 members worldwide.

Marina Randich:  The Privilege of the Non-Native  - I wish my Italian were as good as my English.

Karoline Steckley and Janine Sprague Zolle:  English in Multi-Cultural Education - Fruit Salad in the All Inclusive Classroom.

We thank the US Embassy to Italy for their support to the American Corner Trieste in making our participation possible.

Congratulate your teacher.  Are you an English teacher?  Contact us via email and we'll share their presentations with you.

These lessons are results of our experiences as Team Teachers.  Many thanks and congratulations to all the members of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG  Teaching Team!

November 21-26 Thanksgiving, Coffee Break and MORE!

Nov. 21-26 at American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG

Our Favorite Week of the Year!  Thanksgiving!  Come and help with our Preparation.  
Shopping, Cooking, Cleaning, Celebrating.

Tues. Nov. 22nd
10 am - Tuesday Coffee Break - Have cup of coffee and some great conversation in English!
10 am - Mom & Baby Survival Italian - Just arrived in Trieste, don't speak much Italian, You are Italian, are home with your baby and want to meet other Moms?  Come on down and bring the baby. 

Thurs. Nov. 24th
10 am - Mom & Baby Playdate in English - Just arrived in Trieste, don't speak much Italian, You are Italian, are home with your baby and want to meet other Moms?  Come on down and bring the baby. 

American Film Series at Teatro dei Fabbri 
Shows at :  1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 pm  ROOM

Fri. Nov. 25th
5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club

Saturday, Nov. 26th

Nov. 26-27 - Weekend Warrior - Full Immersion English 10 hours in 2 days.

Sat. Nov. 26th - Family Style Thanksgiving Party - Members Only.  Prepaid Reservation Required.