February 2015 Newsletter - AIA FVG - American Corner Trieste
American Corner Trieste
… Black History Month, Valentine’s Day! We’ve
got you covered. The theme for February
is Black History Month. Documentaries,
Speakers, Short Stories. If you haven’t
seen our Dream Wall, we encourage you to come to the office and be
inspired. Mom and Baby (0-3yrs) has
taken off, as have Teen Club and Italian Conversation for Foreigners. Check our blog and Like our Facebook Page
to keep track of all the appointments!
ADULT ENGLISH CLASSES. There are still some openings available. You can start at any time.
Test Preparation for High School Students. A special course begins soon.
Contact us if you’re interested. aia.fvg@gmail.com
You can still purchase your Memberships for
2014/15. The prices remain
unchanged: €35 for the Regular Adult
Membership and €25 for Students age 16 and over, Teachers and over age 65. To attend courses, the student (or their
parent must) be a member. Membership is
valid for checking out books, magazines, DVD’s and for the 2014/15 American Cinema Program in the
Original Version at Cinema dei Fabbri from October until May. Membership is valid one school year and must
be renewed annually. You can register at
any time. We are no longer selling Memberships at the Cinema. Come to the office to register.
CARDS - If you
haven’t done so yet, please pick up your
final membership cards in the office during our office hours: Monday to Friday 4-7 pm and Tuesday and
Thursday mornings 9 am until noon.
Feb 12 - MUD (drama 130 min.) Drama. Starring: Stars:
Matthew McConaughey, Tye Sheridan, Jacob Lofland. Two young boys encounter a fugitive and form
a pact to help him evade the vigilantes that are on his trail and to reunite
him with his true love.
Made for Each Other is back for 6 consecutive Mondays. All
projections in the Original Version.
Comparative TV / Cinema to the max with Professor Leonardo Buonomo
giving the background and introduction.
3 Themes: Dracula, Brothers,
Caped Crusader
Feb. 2 Dracula Starring Bela Lugosi (1931)
Feb. 2 Dracula Starring Bela Lugosi (1931)
Feb. 9 Frasier. TV Series. Kelsey Grammer, David
Hyde Pierce (1993-2004)
Feb 16 The
Brothers McMullen. Edward Burns. Jack Mulcahy, Edward Burns (1995).
MORNINGS at the American Corner
Feb. 10- 10:30am
are things going? Let’s reflect and talk.
Gestalt Method.
Feb. 17- 10am
of coffee and some great conversation.
Feb. 24,
10am – SHORT STORY CLUB - The story for the month is AM I BLUE? by Alice Walker. You’ll
find the story on the above link.
History Month
Feb. 5
– Underground Railroad (PBS 2012,
60 min). Will Still risked his life to help 800 people escape slavery.
Feb. 12
– Tuskegee Airmen (PBS 1995, 106 min). African American pilots
overcame racist opposition to become one of the finest US fighter groups in
World War II
Feb. 19 -
When I Rise – (PBS 2010, 74 min.) Barbara Smith Conrad,
became an international opera star, despite the color of her skin in Texas in
the 1950’s.
Feb. 26 –
The March
(Documentary 2013, 60 min). The 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
with the Martin Luther King “I have a dream speech”
19, 6 pm GUEST SPEAKER: The Civil Rights
DONIGAN MERRITT reads from his book BLOSSOM.
Donigan Merritt has an MFA
from the Iowa Writers Workshop and has published seven novels, including
"Possessed by Shadows" (Other Press, 2005), "The Common
Bond" (Other Press, 2008), and “Blossom” (2011). “Blossom” paints a
picture of the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement in southern Arkansas. The
protagonist, David Early, returns to the small southern town of Blossom after a
20 year absence when his father dies. In a series of flashbacks, he remembers the
struggles with racism after he takes a stand with the town's African-American
community in its first pro-integration protest--causing him guilt and putting
his life in danger. This book is about the Deep South, about long memories and
our inability to escape our personal histories.
The Book of the Month is ORPHAN TRAIN by Cristina Baker Kline. Monthly
meetings are held in different venues each month. Want to participate? For details, send an e-mail to aia.fvg@gmail.com.
ANYBODY interested in a BOOK CLUB for MEN? A few men
have expressed interest in starting BEER and BOOKS, a Book Club for Men in
English. If you are interested, drop us
an e-mail.
was so successful, that we have split into 2 groups meeting every week:
TUESDAY 11-12 – Italian Conversation for MOMS with BABIES (0-3yrs)
THURSDAY 11-12 – Italian Conversation for ADULTS (WITHOUT Babies)
Make sure that you get the right day! Start to speak. No stress. No charge. Don’t worry about making mistakes! The group is facilitated by Cristina and
Giulia, volunteer Italian language instructors.
Help and advice on practical everyday Italian. What is an Etto? Capo in B? How do I communicate with my Internet carrier? Going shopping, etc. P.S. The
Mom and Baby group is very Baby Friendly, the instructor is also a Mom.
and BABY (0-3) PLAYGROUP in ENGLISH – Open to the Public
THURSDAY from 10:30-12. Bring your baby.
Hang out with other moms. Speak English.
Get out of the house!
TC – American Corner Teen Club meets every Friday afternoon from 5- 7 pm. Open to all Middle and High School Students. On the Highway to Teen Club. Jr. Volunteering, Games, Films, Lego
Mindstorms, Karoake – The sky’s the limit! This year we will do more Teen
Coding and Video Producing.
13 – VALENTINE DOUBLE FEATURE - American Corner Trieste – Open to the Public
FAMILY FILM NIGHT – Open to the Public
Feb. 27 -
5 pm – CLOUDY with a CHANCE
(Animation, 2009, 90 min.) A town where food falls
from the sky like rain. Bring your
kids, see the movie and go for a pizza afterwards!
Programs, consultation of the library, public internet access computers, and
Wi-Fi are always free and open to the public.
It’s a great place to study, meet friends, bring your kids. The US Department of State has granted us a
Gold Standard rating in terms of programs, facilities, services! In addition to
our regular library, we also feature and Education Advising Section, Children’s
Corner Library and Women’s Space.
Remember that we are a volunteer organization. We are looking for people to work in the
afternoons at the Front Desk, manage library checkouts, mentors for teens and a
variety of other roles. Contact us! We’ll keep you busy!
See you in the Association!
What's Up? Jan. 26-30th - America Corner Trieste
What's Up - Jan. 26 - 30, 2015 at American Corner Trieste.
All Events Free and Open to the Public.
Monday 8 pm - Made for Each Other - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Tuesday 10 am - Short Story Club - To Build a Fire - Jack London
Thursday 10 am - American ...Experience - Short Film - To Build a Fire
Thursday 10:30 am - Mom and Baby Play Group
Thursday 11 am- Italian Language Learner Conversation Group
Friday - 5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club
Friday - 5 pm - Family Film - Balto
All Events Free and Open to the Public.
Monday 8 pm - Made for Each Other - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Tuesday 10 am - Short Story Club - To Build a Fire - Jack London
Thursday 10 am - American ...Experience - Short Film - To Build a Fire
Thursday 10:30 am - Mom and Baby Play Group
Thursday 11 am- Italian Language Learner Conversation Group
Friday - 5 pm - AC TC - American Corner Teen Club
Friday - 5 pm - Family Film - Balto
Made for Each Other - Buffy the Vampire Slayer - January 26th - 8 pm

All projections in the Original Version.
Free and Open to the Public.
Comparative TV / Cinema to the max with Professor Leonardo Buonomo giving background and introduction.
Monday nights at 8 pm at American Corner Trieste. Free and Open to the Public

First Theme: VAMPIRES
26 /01/ 2015 Buffy the Vampire Slayer. TV Series. Sarah Michelle Gellar (1997-2003). Buffy spends her life killing vampires and demons, wth a litte help from her friends.
2 /02/ 2015 Dracula. Dir. Tod Browning. Starring Bela Lugosi (1931)
Count Dracula arrives in England and Mina is his beautiful prey.
BROTHERS - Fratelli
9 /02/ 2015 Frasier. TV Series. Kelsey Grammer, David Hyde Pierce (1993-2004) Dr. Frasier Crane, Radio Host and Psychiatrist, moves back home to Seattle and lives with his father.
16 /02/ 2015 The Brothers McMullen. Dir. Edward Burns. Jack Mulcahy, Edward Burns (1995). Three Catholic Irish American brothers from Long Island, deal with their problems in love, marriage and infidelity.
23 /02/ 2015 Batman. TV Series. Adam West, Burt Ward (1966-68)
Batman and Robin fight crime in Gotham City in this parody of the famous comic.
2 /03/ 2015 Batman Returns. Dir. Tim Burton. Con Michael Keaton, Michelle Pfeiffer, Danny DeVito (1992). Only Batman can stop the Penguin in Gotham City. Catwoman has her own agenda.
AC TC - American Corner Teen Club - Jan 26, 5 pm
To Build a Fire - Jack London - Jan. 25th and 27th - 10 am.

This month the theme is: Man vs. Nature.
Jack London's 1908 Short Story: "To Build a Fire Takes" us to the Yukon, Alaska.
A man and his dog on their own in the snow. . . in a blizzard. . . -50°C . . . Will he make it to camp? Will his fire save him?

Jan 29th - 10 am - Projection of the Short Film "To Build a Fire" - (1969, 55 min) with the narration of Orson Welles.
Mom and Baby (0-3 yrs) Play Group in English- Jan 25th - 10:30-noon
Mom and Baby (0-3 yrs) Play Group at American Corner Trieste.

Free and Open to all Moms (and even Dads) and their babies / toddlers ages 0-3yrs.
The Group meets every other week on Thursdays from 10:30 to noon. Are you expecting? You're more than welcome to participate!
Meet some parents. Speak English. Get out of the house! It's all good.

Free and Open to all Moms (and even Dads) and their babies / toddlers ages 0-3yrs.
The Group meets every other week on Thursdays from 10:30 to noon. Are you expecting? You're more than welcome to participate!
Meet some parents. Speak English. Get out of the house! It's all good.
Italian Learner Conversation Group - Jan 29th, 11 am

Every Thursday from 11am - noon at American Corner Trieste.
We had such a nice group last week, that we have decided to meet EVERY Thursday at 11am.
Free of Charge, No Stress, No Homework.
Moderated by Cristina and Giulia, Italian for Foreigners Instructors.
Practical Italian, Advice on making your life in Trieste easier. No question is stupid: How do I get a cell phone contract? What is an "etto"? How do order a cappuccino - and get it served in a cappuccino cup with lots of foamed milk? What's a "Cappo in B"?
Family Film Night - Balto - Jan. 30th - 5pm
I Have A Dream Wall
The Dream Wall is filling up! Today we had students from the Codermatz and the Corsi Middle Schools. They had some great dreams.Come in. You can add your dreams all week long.
Here is the link to the photos from today.
What's Up - January 19th- 23rd
A WHOLE LOT going on this week at American Corner Trieste!
All Events Free and Open to the Public.
Monday, Dream Day - Films and Activities for Schools
Tuesday , Coffee Break
Wednesday - State of the Union, President Barack Obama
Thursday - Into the Wild - Film American Experience:
Thursday - New! Italian Learner Conversation Group - Let's chat in Italian - for I. L.L. (Italian Language Learners). Free. No stress, No grades. Facilitated by Cristina and Giulia - Italian Instructors for Foreigners
Friday - AC TC - Teen Club - Making Burgers ( And eating them too!) With Joe. Send an e-mail to reserve so we have enough supplies. aia.fvg@gmail.com
All Events Free and Open to the Public.
Monday, Dream Day - Films and Activities for Schools
Tuesday , Coffee Break
Wednesday - State of the Union, President Barack Obama
Thursday - Into the Wild - Film American Experience:
Thursday - New! Italian Learner Conversation Group - Let's chat in Italian - for I. L.L. (Italian Language Learners). Free. No stress, No grades. Facilitated by Cristina and Giulia - Italian Instructors for Foreigners
Friday - AC TC - Teen Club - Making Burgers ( And eating them too!) With Joe. Send an e-mail to reserve so we have enough supplies. aia.fvg@gmail.com
I have a dream day - Jan. 19th, all day long
January 19th is Martin Luther King day. We are celebrating him with:
Dream Wall - Write your dream directly on our wall. Be inspired, Be an inspiration.
Film Series - 3 great biographical films dealing with people who realized their dreams in the face of adversity.
Activity for Middle and High Schools about Civil Rights.
All activities Free and Open to the Public.
Schools should send an email reservation to aia.fvg@gmail.com with the request and the number of students attending.

Dream Wall - Write your dream directly on our wall. Be inspired, Be an inspiration.
Film Series - 3 great biographical films dealing with people who realized their dreams in the face of adversity.
Activity for Middle and High Schools about Civil Rights.
All activities Free and Open to the Public.
Schools should send an email reservation to aia.fvg@gmail.com with the request and the number of students attending.
Coffee Break - Jan. 20th, 10am - noon
The State of the Union - Wed. Jan. 21st - 11am-noon
The State of the Union Message, President Barack Obama - Wednesday, Jan. 21st . 11- 12 pm
The State of the Union is an annual address presented before a joint session of Congress and held in the House of Representatives Chamber at the U.S. Capitol. The address not only reports on the condition of the nation, but also allows the president to outline his legislative agenda and national priorities to Congress.
Free and Open to the Public.
The State of the Union is an annual address presented before a joint session of Congress and held in the House of Representatives Chamber at the U.S. Capitol. The address not only reports on the condition of the nation, but also allows the president to outline his legislative agenda and national priorities to Congress.
Free and Open to the Public.
Into the Wild - Thursday, Jan. 22, 10 - 12 am
American Experience - Man vs. Nature
A film this week and a Short Film next week. Open to the Public.
Into the Wild - (Film 2007 - Biography, Drama)
After graduating from Emory University, top student and athlete Christopher McCandless abandons his possessions, gives his entire $24,000 savings account to charity and hitchhikes to Alaska to live in the wilderness. Along the way, Christopher encounters a series of characters that shape his life.
Next Thursday: To Build a Fire - Short Film, Orson Welles, narrator.
A film this week and a Short Film next week. Open to the Public.
Into the Wild - (Film 2007 - Biography, Drama)
After graduating from Emory University, top student and athlete Christopher McCandless abandons his possessions, gives his entire $24,000 savings account to charity and hitchhikes to Alaska to live in the wilderness. Along the way, Christopher encounters a series of characters that shape his life.
Next Thursday: To Build a Fire - Short Film, Orson Welles, narrator.
Italian Learner Conversation Group - Thursday, Jan. 22nd, 11-noon
Free Italian Learner Conversation Group at American Corner Trieste.
Open to Italian Language Learners. Open to the Public.
Meeting every 2 weeks.
Practice your Italian Conversation. No stress, No grades. No charge.
Cristina and Giulia, Italian Second Language Teachers will be your moderators.
Open to Italian Language Learners. Open to the Public.
Meeting every 2 weeks.
Practice your Italian Conversation. No stress, No grades. No charge.
Cristina and Giulia, Italian Second Language Teachers will be your moderators.
American Corner Teen Club - Making (and Eating) Burgers! - Jan. 23rd, 5-7 pm

This Friday we're Making Burgers - and eating Burgers too!
Jan. 23rd - From 5-7pm
Come on down. Open to all Middle School and High School students.

We want to have enough food for everybody.
Every Friday from 5-7 pm . Open to the Public. Free of Charge.
Making, Creating, Coding, Hanging Out ... in English
I Have a Dream - For Schools - Jan 19, 2015 from 12-1
I have a dream ... Day at American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG
FREE PROGRAM for Schools - Upon reservation - Please state the number of students attending aia.fvg@gmail.com
For the complete calendar of Free Events for Dream Day on January 19th - including films:
12 years a Slave, The Pursuit of Happyness, 42: The Legend of Jackie Robinson,
Go to our link.
FREE PROGRAM for Schools - Upon reservation - Please state the number of students attending aia.fvg@gmail.com
For the complete calendar of Free Events for Dream Day on January 19th - including films:
12 years a Slave, The Pursuit of Happyness, 42: The Legend of Jackie Robinson,
Go to our link.
Made for Each Other 2015 - starting Jan. 26th at 8 pm
Made for Each Other is back with 6 great appointments. Comparative TV / Cinema to the max with Professor Leonardo Buonomo giving background and introduction.
Monday nights at 8 pm at American Corner Trieste. Open to the Public
All projections in the Original Version.
Monday nights at 8 pm at American Corner Trieste. Open to the Public
All projections in the Original Version.
Mom and Baby Playgroup (0-3 yrs) in English - Jan. 15th 10:30-12
AC TC - American Corner Teen Club - Every Friday 5-7 pm
Fruitvale Station - Jan 15, 2014 at 4,5,6:30 and 9 pm
American Film Series at Cinema dei Fabbri - Via dei Fabbri 2/A
FRUITVALE STATION (2013, 85 min.) Drama
The story of Oscar Grant III, a 22-year-old Bay Area resident, who crosses paths with friends, enemies, family, and strangers on the last day of 2008.
Members Only. If you're not a member you can become a member directly at the Cinema on Cinema Day or in our Office during Office Hours.
What does Membership cost and what does it get you? Click on the link.
Director: Ryan Coogler
Writer: Ryan Coogler
Stars: Michael B. Jordan, Melonie Diaz, Octavia Spencer
Next Movies in the American Film Series:
12/02/2015 - MUD
05/03/2015 - Enough Said
26/03/2015 - Decoding Annie Parker
23/04/2015 - Love is Strange
15/05/2015 - St. Vincent
FRUITVALE STATION (2013, 85 min.) Drama
The story of Oscar Grant III, a 22-year-old Bay Area resident, who crosses paths with friends, enemies, family, and strangers on the last day of 2008.
Members Only. If you're not a member you can become a member directly at the Cinema on Cinema Day or in our Office during Office Hours.
What does Membership cost and what does it get you? Click on the link.
Director: Ryan Coogler
Writer: Ryan Coogler
Stars: Michael B. Jordan, Melonie Diaz, Octavia Spencer
Next Movies in the American Film Series:
12/02/2015 - MUD
05/03/2015 - Enough Said
26/03/2015 - Decoding Annie Parker
23/04/2015 - Love is Strange
15/05/2015 - St. Vincent
I Have a Dream Day January 19, 2015
Martin Luther King Jr. Day - I have a dream Day
January 19, 2015
I have a dream day at American Corner Trieste
All Activities Open to the Public.
noon-1 pm- Activities reserved for Schools upon request - aia.fvg@gmail.com

9 -11:30am - 12 YEARS A SLAVE- Film- Academy Award Winner 2014
12-1 - I HAVE a DREAM - Program and Dream Wall - Reserved for Schools - upon request to aia.fvg@gmail.com
3-5:30pm - THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS, Film with Will Smith
6-8:30pm- 42: AN AMERICAN LEGEND- The story of baseball player Jackie Robinson Film. with Harrison Ford and Chadwick Stokes.
January 19, 2015
I have a dream day at American Corner Trieste
All Activities Open to the Public.
noon-1 pm- Activities reserved for Schools upon request - aia.fvg@gmail.com

9 -11:30am - 12 YEARS A SLAVE- Film- Academy Award Winner 2014
12-1 - I HAVE a DREAM - Program and Dream Wall - Reserved for Schools - upon request to aia.fvg@gmail.com
3-5:30pm - THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS, Film with Will Smith
6-8:30pm- 42: AN AMERICAN LEGEND- The story of baseball player Jackie Robinson Film. with Harrison Ford and Chadwick Stokes.
Man vs. Nature - January 2015 at American Corner Trieste
The theme for the Month of January at American Corner Trieste is Man Vs. Nature. Documentaries, Films, Short Stories, Family Date Night, Library Section. All Events Open to the Public.
Jan. 15 - 10- 11 am - Alone in the Wilderness. The true story of a man who lived for 30 years on his own in Alaska, upon his retirement.
Jan. 22nd 10-12 am- Into the Wild - Film - True story of Christopher McCandless, who abandons his possessions and hitchhikes to Alaska to live in the wilderness . http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0758758/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Jan. 27th 10-11 am - Short Story Club - To Build a Fire by Jack London http://americanenglish.state.gov/resources/build-fire-and-other-stories#child-356
Jan. 29th - 10-11 am - To Build a Fire - Film Version of Short Story by Jack London - narrated by Orson Welles. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2629506/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
Jan. 30th - 5-7 pm - Family Date Night Film - Balto - Balto, a Husky saves the day in Klondike.
Jan. 15 - 10- 11 am - Alone in the Wilderness. The true story of a man who lived for 30 years on his own in Alaska, upon his retirement.
Jan. 22nd 10-12 am- Into the Wild - Film - True story of Christopher McCandless, who abandons his possessions and hitchhikes to Alaska to live in the wilderness . http://www.imdb.com/title/
Jan. 27th 10-11 am - Short Story Club - To Build a Fire by Jack London http://
Jan. 29th - 10-11 am - To Build a Fire - Film Version of Short Story by Jack London - narrated by Orson Welles. http://www.imdb.com/title/
Jan. 30th - 5-7 pm - Family Date Night Film - Balto - Balto, a Husky saves the day in Klondike.
What's up - Jan. 12- 16th
Here's our calendar for the week.
New activity:
Thursday 10:30-noon - Mom and Baby Playgroup. All Moms with Kids age 0-3 are welcome! Open to the Public.
New activity:
Thursday 10:30-noon - Mom and Baby Playgroup. All Moms with Kids age 0-3 are welcome! Open to the Public.
AC -TC - American Corner Teen Club - Today!
See you today - Friday, Jan. 9th from 5-7 (and all other Fridays) for AC TC - American Corner Teen Club.
Open to all Middle and High Schoolers. Open to the Public.
On the Highway to Teen Club. Coding, Making Creating.
Open to all Middle and High Schoolers. Open to the Public.
On the Highway to Teen Club. Coding, Making Creating.
January 2015 Newsletter
YEAR! We’re back after a long holiday break. Everybody’s batteries are recharged and we’re
ready to go! Here is a video
with the highlights of 2014. Thanks for
being part of it! Classes start again
and we’re full of ideas. The American
Corner Theme for the month is Man vs.
Nature. Look for theme related
Documentaries, Short Story Club and Family Date Night. Our Dream Wall will be inspirational. Get
involved! Arrivederci e Grazie to Gabrielle, our “Chef in Residence” for the
past year, who is heading back to the US.
Registration is still open for Winter 2015
Courses. Here are the links for courses
all ages and all levels. Click here to learn
more about how
our courses work. We plan a
course especially for dyslexic children.
If you’re interested, send an email to aiats.course@gmail.com
You can still purchase your Memberships for
2014/15. The prices remain
unchanged: €35 for the Regular Adult
Membership and €25 for Students age 16 and over, Teachers and over age 65. To attend courses, the student (or their
parent must) be a member. Membership is
valid for checking out books, magazines, DVD’s and for the 2014/15 American Cinema Program
in the Original Version at Cinema dei Fabbri from October until May. Membership is valid one school year and must
be renewed annually. You can register at
any time.
CARDS Please pick up your final membership cards in the
office during our office hours: Monday
to Friday 4-7 pm and Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9 am until noon.
Jan. 15th
min.) Drama. Starring: Michael B. Jordan, Melonie Diaz, Octavia Spencer. The
purportedly true story of Oscar Grant III, a 22-year-old Bay Area resident, who
crosses paths with friends, enemies, family, and strangers on the last day of
2008. Sundance Film Festival - Grand Jury Prize.
MORNINGS at the American Corner
Jan. 13th 10- 12
How are things going? Let’s reflect and talk.
Jan 20th
10- 12 am. - TUESDAY
COFFEE BREAK – 10-12 – Have a cup of coffee and some great conversation.
Jan. 27th,
10-11 am – SHORT STORY CLUB - The story for the month is To
Build a Fire by Jack
London. You’ll find
the story on the above link.
Man vs.
Nature – Survival in the Wilderness at American Corner
Jan. 15th
- Alone
in the Wilderness (Documentary 2004, 57 min) Dick Proenneke, retired,
moved to Alaska and lived a solitary pioneer lifestyle for 30 years.
Jan. 22nd
– Into
the Wild (Film 2007,
148 min) True story of Christopher
McCandless, who abandons his possessions and hitchhikes to Alaska to live in
the wilderness.
Jan. 29th
– To
Build a Fire (Film 1969, 50 min). Based on the classic Jack London
short story. Narrated by Orson Welles.
An Italian author this month:
Elena Ferrante’s The Days of Abbandonment. Monthly
meetings are held in different venues each month. Want to participate? For details, send an e-mail to aia.fvg@gmail.com.
WALL for Martin Luther King’s Birthday – Open
to the Public
Jan 19th all day from 10 am – 7 pm . Write your
dream on our Dream Wall (up all week long). Be inspired and inspirational. View our Video program of films and documentaries
dedicated to Civil Rights. Stay as long
as you like. Bring your class. Program details coming soon.
of THE UNION, President Obama – Open to the Public
Wed, Jan. 21st, 11-noon. The annual
message of the President to the Joint Session of the United States Congress.
- MOM and BABY (0-3) PLAYGROUP – Open
to the Public
January 15th and 29th from 10:30-12. Bring
your baby. Hang out with other moms.
LANGUAGE LEARNERS – Open to the Public
Jan. 22nd from 11-12. A conversation group for Italian learners. Start to speak. No stress. Don’t worry about
making mistakes! The group is
facilitated by Cristina and Giulia, volunteer Italian language
TC – American Corner Teen Club meets every Friday afternoon from 5- 7 pm. Open to all Middle and High School Students. On the Highway to Teen Club. Jr. Volunteering, Games, Films, Lego
Mindstorms, Karoake – The sky’s the limit! This year we will do more Teen
Coding and Video Producing.
FAMILY DATE NIGHT – Open to the Public
Jan. 30th,
5-7 pm – BALTO (Animation, 1995, 74 min.) Half Husky and Half Wolf, Balto saves the
day in Nome, Alaska. Bring your kids,
see the movie and go for a pizza afterwards!
– Programs, consultation of the library, public internet access computers, and
Wi-Fi are always free and open to the public.
It’s a great place to study, meet friends, bring your kids. The US Department of State has granted us a
Gold Standard rating in terms of programs, facilities, services! In addition to
our regular library, we also feature and Education Advising Section, Children’s
Corner Library and Women’s Space.
Remember that we are a volunteer organization. We are looking for people to work in the
afternoons at the Front Desk, manage library checkouts, mentors for teens and a
variety of other roles. Contact us! We’ll keep you busy!
See you in
the Association! Have a great 2015!
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