2014 was The Best Year Ever!
Thanks for being a part of it at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste.
Best Wishes for 2015.
Here are the Highlights of the Year.
Winter Classes 2015

Here are the links to the class offerings. ADULT Courses - KIDS Courses.
We'll be back in the office on January 8th. I you need more info about classes before then, please send an e-mail to: aiats.course@gmail.com
We'll get back to you!
Enjoy the rest of the Holiday break!
Our American Days and the Triestine Girls - Dec. 22, 2014 - 4:30 pm - Cinema Ariston
If you missed it, or want to see it again, there is a special showing of Our American Days combined with The Triestine Girls
Monday, December 22nd at 4:30 at Cinema Ariston - Bilingual Version - Italian/English -€3 Ingresso - Offered by Pilgrim Film
I Nostri Giorni Americani + Le Ragazze di Trieste
Cinema AristonORARIO PROIEZIONI: | |||
Lunedì 22 DICEMBRE | 16.30 | - |
La vita a Trieste durante gli anni del Governo Militare Alleato. Volti e racconti di chi all’epoca era bambino, delle ragazze che trovavano un impiego masticando un po’ l’inglese, delle Studebaker che giravano per la città. Le voci dei protagonisti di quell’epoca, in una Trieste in bianco e nero che si è ritrovata nel mondo a colori degli americani e dello swing.
La storia, o meglio, le storie di quelle ‘ragazze di Trieste’ che nei primi anni Cinquanta sono partite da Trieste per emigrare negli Stati Uniti. Giovanissime, hanno scelto di seguire un sogno, un progetto di vita, un amore. Hanno scelto mettersi in gioco, e di costruirsi un futuro diverso. Un documentario, tutto al femminile, che racconta la Trieste di quegli anni e anche l’America che quelle ragazze hanno trovato, un diario privato che racconta quella che è la nostra storia recente attraverso le voci e le immagini di alcune delle sue protagoniste, cercate e trovate grazie a una fotografia, un nome, un conoscente, un piccolo dettaglio. Un racconto corale intenso ma allo stesso tempo leggero, spesso ironico, che non guarda solo indietro ma suggerisce un possibile incontro fra passato e futuro.
Closed for Vacation - Dec. 20th - Jan 7th
Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste will be closed for Christmas Holidays from December 20th until January 7th. See you in 2015 on January 8th!
Happy Holidays!
For general info: aia.fvg@gmail.com
For info about courses: aiats.course@gmail.com
Happy Holidays!
For general info: aia.fvg@gmail.com
For info about courses: aiats.course@gmail.com
What's Up - Dec. 15-19, 2014

18/12, 10 am - noon– The Bells of St. Mary’s – Drama with Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman (1945 – 126 min.) Holiday Film Festival. – Holiday Film Matinées in English at American Corner Trieste
18/12 - Wreck it Ralph - Film at Cinema dei Fabbri - 2,4,6:30, 9 pm - Members only
18/12 - 9 pm - Book Club - Wine Cheese and Books. Write us an email for details - aia.fvg@gmail.com
19/12 - 5:30 and 6 pm - Assembly Meeting of Members of Associazione Italo Americana FVG
Wreck it Ralph - Cinema dei Fabbri - Dec. 18th - AIA FVG Members Only
American Film Series of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG - Members Only.
Become a Member - €35 - Intero, €25 - Ridotto (students, teachers, over 65)
Cinema Dei Fabbri - via dei Fabbri 2/A - December 18th - Shows at 2, 4, 6:30 and 9 pm
Wreck it Ralph - Animation (101 min.) A video game villain wants to be a hero and sets out to fulfill his dream, but his quest brings havoc to the whole arcade where he lives.
Director: Rich Moore
Stars: John C. Reilly, Jack McBrayer, Jane Lynch
Upcoming Movies in the 2014/15 Program:
15/01/2015 - Fruitvail Station
12/02/2015 - MUD
05/03/2015 - Enough Said
26/03/2015 - Decoding Annie Parker
23/04/2015 - Love is Strange
15/05/2015 - St. Vincent
Become a Member - €35 - Intero, €25 - Ridotto (students, teachers, over 65)
Cinema Dei Fabbri - via dei Fabbri 2/A - December 18th - Shows at 2, 4, 6:30 and 9 pm
Wreck it Ralph - Animation (101 min.) A video game villain wants to be a hero and sets out to fulfill his dream, but his quest brings havoc to the whole arcade where he lives.
Director: Rich Moore
Stars: John C. Reilly, Jack McBrayer, Jane Lynch
Upcoming Movies in the 2014/15 Program:
15/01/2015 - Fruitvail Station
12/02/2015 - MUD
05/03/2015 - Enough Said
26/03/2015 - Decoding Annie Parker
23/04/2015 - Love is Strange
15/05/2015 - St. Vincent
Hour of Code - Friday 4:30- 6:30
Teens, we are holding An HOUR OF CODE Friday afternoon from 4:30 - 6:30 pm at American Corner Trieste. Open to all Middle and High School Students.
So far 66 million students around the globe have participated. Even President Obama tried coding!
Bring a tablet or laptop if you have one. If not, no problem, we can lend you one.
Certificates for Everybody.
You can leave before 6pm if you have to catch a bus to get home. The bus strike starts at 6:30.
Happy Coding! www.hourofcode.org
So far 66 million students around the globe have participated. Even President Obama tried coding!
Bring a tablet or laptop if you have one. If not, no problem, we can lend you one.
Certificates for Everybody.
You can leave before 6pm if you have to catch a bus to get home. The bus strike starts at 6:30.
Happy Coding! www.hourofcode.org
Buon San Nicolò

Buon San Nicolò!
Here's the link to the photos.
What's up this Week - Dec. 8-12
What's Up? All events open to the public.

Monday - Dec. 8th - Closed for Holiday
Tuesday - Dec. 9th, 10-11 am - Short Story Club - A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote. Discussion of this autobiographical story that you can download at this link.
Wednesday - Dec. 10th - 8-10 pm - Film - An Old Man and the Sea - 1958 with Spencer Tracey in Original Version with English subtitles. The film version of Ernest Hemingway's Nobel Prize Winning Novel in occasion of the Conference about the 60th anniversary of Hemingway receiving the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Thursday - Dec. 11th - 10 am - A Muppet Christmas Carol - starring Michael Caine and the Muppets

Friday - Dec. 12th - 4:30-6:30 pm - The Hour of Code - Open to all Middle and High School students. A Certificate of Participation for everybody. Be part of something big! Over 100 million students around the world are coding this week.
Friday - Dec. 12th - 5-7 pm - Family Date Night Film - How The Grinch Stole Christmas with Jim Carrey.

Monday - Dec. 8th - Closed for Holiday
Tuesday - Dec. 9th, 10-11 am - Short Story Club - A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote. Discussion of this autobiographical story that you can download at this link.

Wednesday - Dec. 10th - 8-10 pm - Film - An Old Man and the Sea - 1958 with Spencer Tracey in Original Version with English subtitles. The film version of Ernest Hemingway's Nobel Prize Winning Novel in occasion of the Conference about the 60th anniversary of Hemingway receiving the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Friday - Dec. 12th - 5-7 pm - Family Date Night Film - How The Grinch Stole Christmas with Jim Carrey.
Hemingway: 60 years since the Nobel - Dec. 10, 9:15 am - 10 pm
Hemingway Fans. On December 10th there is a conference, exhibit, and film about Hemingway's Old Man and the Sea - the 60th Anniversary of Hemingway's Nobel Prize in Literature.
All appointments Open to the Public
Event in collaboration with with Associazione Culturale Onlus "Cinzia Vitale" with the Department of Humanities at the University of Trieste, Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste, United World College of the Adriatic.
8 pm - The Old Man and the Sea - Film 1958 (86 min) with Spencer Tracey, in English with English subtitles at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste.
Director: John Sturges,Writers: Ernest Hemingway (novel), Peter Viertel Stars: Spencer Tracy, Felipe Pazos, Harry Bellaver
Summary: An old Cuban fisherman's dry spell is broken when he hooks a gigantic fish that drags him out to sea. Based on Ernest Hemingway's story.
All appointments Open to the Public
Event in collaboration with with Associazione Culturale Onlus "Cinzia Vitale" with the Department of Humanities at the University of Trieste, Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste, United World College of the Adriatic.
6pm - Ernest Hemingway: travelling with the Nobel Prize - Caffè degli Specchi
Display of personal items of Hemingway and reading of the Old Man and the Sea by students from the United World College
8 pm - The Old Man and the Sea - Film 1958 (86 min) with Spencer Tracey, in English with English subtitles at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste.
Director: John Sturges,Writers: Ernest Hemingway (novel), Peter Viertel Stars: Spencer Tracy, Felipe Pazos, Harry Bellaver
Summary: An old Cuban fisherman's dry spell is broken when he hooks a gigantic fish that drags him out to sea. Based on Ernest Hemingway's story.
For the details in Italian: http://www.vitaleonlus.it/
Assemblea Ordinaria dell'Associazione Italo-Americana FVG
Trieste, 5 dicembre 2014
L'assemblea ordinaria dei soci è convocata il giorno 19 dicembre 2014 in prima adunanza alle ore 17.30 e in SECONDA ADUNANZA ALLE ORE 18.00 presso la sede in Piazza S. Antonio n.6.
Ordine del giorno:
1) Comunicazioni
2) Approvazione del bilancio consuntivo e preventivo
3) Varie ed eventuali
Il Presidente
Leonardo Buonomo
2) Approvazione del bilancio consuntivo e preventivo
3) Varie ed eventuali
Il Presidente
Leonardo Buonomo
Con la presente delego ……………………. a rappresentarmi all'assemblea ordinaria dell’Associazione Italo-Americana del giorno 19 dicembre 2014.
FIRMA …………………………………………………..
Holiday Film Matinée Series - Thursday mornings at 10
AIA FVG / American Corner Trieste - December 2014 Newsletter
AIA-FVG / American
Corner Trieste DECEMBER 2014
Holidays! We just
concluded the Best
Thanksgiving Ever thanks to Gabrielle, American Cooking School, our
volunteer chefs, clean up crew and band.
– Now we’re working on the December.
The theme for the month is “The Holidays” with a Holiday Matinée Film
Series, Short Story, Family Date Night and the big event… Annual Santa Visit
and Cookie Fest. We wish you a season
full of peace and joy.
You can still purchase your Memberships for 2014/15. The prices remain unchanged: €35 for the Regular Adult Membership and €25 for Students age 16 and over, Teachers and over age 65. To attend courses, the student (or their parent must be a member). Membership is valid for checking out books, magazines, DVD’s and for the 2014/15 American Cinema Program in the Original Version at Cinema dei Fabbri from October until May. Membership is valid one school year and must be renewed annually. You can register at any time. MEMBERSHIP CARDS Please pick up your final membership cards in the office during our office hours: Monday to Friday 4-7 pm and Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9 am until noon.
AMERICAN COOKING SCHOOL - Holiday Cooking Demos, Recipes, Christmas Cookies and Treats. Bring some homemade Christmas cookies to share.
SANTA VISIT – Decorate the Tree, Get your Picture taken with Santa, Read “The Night Before Christmas”, Sing Christmas Carols.
TUESDAY MORNING REMIX in the American Corner
Dec. 9th, 10-11 am – SHORT STORY CLUB The story for the month is A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote. You can find the story on the above link.
Dec. 16th, 10- 12 am. - TUESDAY COFFEE BREAK –
10-12 – Have a cup of coffee and some great conversation.
Current Travel Warnings, click here.
Current Travel Alerts, click here.
STEP (Smart Traveler Enrollment Program) enroll to receive updates from the US Embassy to Italy, click here.
for the HOLIDAYS – We’ll be closed from December 20th – January
7th. We reopen on January 8th.
Registration is open for Winter 2015 Courses. Here are the links for courses for ADULTS and for MATERNA, ELEMENTARY, MIDDLE SCHOOL and HIGH SCHOOL. Something for
all ages and all levels. Click here to
learn more about how
our courses work.
You can still purchase your Memberships for 2014/15. The prices remain unchanged: €35 for the Regular Adult Membership and €25 for Students age 16 and over, Teachers and over age 65. To attend courses, the student (or their parent must be a member). Membership is valid for checking out books, magazines, DVD’s and for the 2014/15 American Cinema Program in the Original Version at Cinema dei Fabbri from October until May. Membership is valid one school year and must be renewed annually. You can register at any time. MEMBERSHIP CARDS Please pick up your final membership cards in the office during our office hours: Monday to Friday 4-7 pm and Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9 am until noon.
Annual SANTA VISIT and COOKIE FEST - American Corner
- Dec. 5th – 5-7 pm
Open to the
PublicAMERICAN COOKING SCHOOL - Holiday Cooking Demos, Recipes, Christmas Cookies and Treats. Bring some homemade Christmas cookies to share.
SANTA VISIT – Decorate the Tree, Get your Picture taken with Santa, Read “The Night Before Christmas”, Sing Christmas Carols.
per LEGGERE – In occasion of the Santa Visit on December 5th, we
will read “The Night
Before Christmas” by Clement Clarke Moore.
TUESDAY MORNING REMIX in the American Corner
Dec. 9th, 10-11 am – SHORT STORY CLUB The story for the month is A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote. You can find the story on the above link.
Holiday Film Festival. – Holiday Film Matinées in
English at American Corner Trieste
A short story this month. Monthly meetings are held in different venues
each month. Want to participate? For details, send an e-mail to aia.fvg@gmail.com.
American Corner Teen Club meets every
Friday afternoon from 4:30 – 6:30 pm.
Open to all Middle and High School Students. On the Highway to Teen Club. Jr. Volunteering, Games, Films, Lego
Mindstorms, Karoake – The sky’s the limit!
– 4:30-6:30 p.m.– Our teens will participate in the Hour
of Code – an international event to promote computer
NIGHT, December 12th ,, 5-7 pm – How the Grinch Stole Christmas – Comedy with Jim Carrey (2000 –
104 min.) – Open to the Public. Bring your kids, see the movie and go for a
pizza afterwards!
for The Old Man and the Sea, Associazione
Cinzia Vitale has organized a 1 day event including a conference, readings an
exhibit and at the American Corner a projection of the film. All events are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Here is the link with the complete program.
Dec. 10th,
8 pm - The Old Man and the Sea - Film at Associazione Italo Americana – Open
to the Public.
AMERICAN DAYS 1945- 1954 – Projection at Cinema Ariston – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
afternoon – time to be confirmed - The
Film / Documentary that we projected at the end of October will be shown at
Cinema Ariston.
on-Line course for Teachers of English Language Learners, offered by the US
Department of State, will be repeated.
The 5 week course begins on January 5, 2015. Register on-line on this link!
– Programs, consultation of the library, public internet access computers, and
Wi-Fi are always free and open to the public.
It’s a great place to study, meet friends, bring your kids. The US Department of State has granted us a
Gold Standard rating in terms of programs, facilities, services! In addition to
our regular library, we also feature and Education Advising Section, Children’s
Corner Library and Women’s Space.
Did you know? The U.S. Consular Information
The Consular Information
Program through the U.S. Department of State consists of three main components
that provide information to the American public about travel to foreign
countries including country specific information, travel warnings and travel alerts.
The department issues fact sheets on more than 200 countries. The sheets
contain information on entry requirements, crime and security conditions, areas
of instability, road safety and other details relevant to travel. To find
information about Italy or a future travel destination visit the links below:
Current Travel Warnings, click here.
Current Travel Alerts, click here.
STEP (Smart Traveler Enrollment Program) enroll to receive updates from the US Embassy to Italy, click here.
Remember that we are a volunteer organization. We are looking for people to work in the
afternoons at the Front Desk, manage library checkouts and for a variety of
roles. Contact us! We’ll keep you busy!
See you in the
Association! Happy Holidays!
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