Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from American Corner Trieste / Associazione Italo Americana FVG! Get that bird in the oven!
We have so much to be thanksful for. 
Here are the photos from our Thanksgiving Party last week
On this other link you can view our 30 second video of the event

See you
today at Cinema dei Fabbri for Waiting for Sugar Man (2,4, 6:30 and 9) and
Friday from 5-7 for our Cookie Fest and Santa visit. Please bring some Holiday cookies to share!

Welcome Home Stranger - Dec. 12th at 6 pm

Welcome Home Stranger - Back on December 12th at 6 pm - A Pot Luck! 
Not a Stranger anymore?  Join our "Adopt A Stranger" program.  Be a friend during the holidays! 
Join us.  Bring a Friend. Make a Friend.  OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

Welcome Home Stranger now has an e-mail address and a Google hangout:  welcomehomestranger@gmail.com

Made For Each Other TV/ Cinema Series at AIA FVG

New Series, New Location, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - no Membership Required.

Join us for Made for Each Other - Monday Nights at 8:15 pm in the Multimedia Room at Associazione Italo Americana FVG - P. S. Antonio, 6 -

The "couples" have a theme with an original version TV Series and a Film the next week.  In addition there is a commentary by Leonardo Buonomo - Pop Culture to the max, to help put everything in perspective.

Searching for Sugar Man - Nov. 28th - 2,4,6:30 and 9 pm

Searching for Sugar Man  - American Film Series in Original Version
Thursday, November 28, 2013 - 2, 4, 6:30 and 9 pm
Cinema dei Fabbri, via dei Fabbri 2/A - Trieste

Dir. Malik Benjelloul. Starring Steven “Sugar” Segerman, Dennis Coffey. Oscar, best documentary, 2013. (86 min.)

In the early 1970s, Sixto Rodriguez was a Detroit folksinger who had a short-lived recording career with only two well received but non-selling albums. Unknown to Rodriguez, his musical story continued in South Africa where he became a pop music icon and inspiration for generations. Long rumored there to be dead by suicide, a few fans in the 1990s decided to seek out the truth of their hero's fate. What follows is a bizarrely heartening story in which they found far more in their quest than they ever hoped, while a Detroit construction laborer discovered that his lost artistic dreams came true after all.     

AIA FVG Members Only.  Not a member yet?  Another great reason to become one. 
You can register either in our office - P. S. Antonio, 6 - Trieste - Tues + Thurs 9-12 or Monday to Friday 4-7 or at Cinema dei Fabbri on American Film Night.
Intero - €35, Ridotto - €25 for Students over age 16, Teachers, Over age 65.        

Cookie Fest and Santa Claus Visit - Nov. 29, 5-7

Our Annual Cookie Fest and Santa Visit - November 29th, 5-7 pm at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste.
OPEN to the Public!

We need volunteers to
- Decorate on Thursday morning
- Make Cookies and Holiday Treats
- Do Cooking Demonstrations
- Help the Kids Decorate the Tree and Cookies

Send us an e-mail aia.fvg@gmail.com or call 349 8 66666 7 and tell us what you want to do. 
See you Friday! 

The Greatest Thanksgiving EVER!

Yes, it's true!  A great gathering and lots to be thankful for.  Photos coming soon!

It's almost Thanksgiving.  What are you thankful for?

We're thankful for:
  • Our new home
  • Our fantastic volunteers
  • Our members
  • Our friends
  • Our students

A Really Big Wednesday!

on Wednesday, November 20th we have 2 events at the Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste - Piazza Sant'Antonio6 - Trieste - OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

GET READY FOR COLLEGE for College - Prepararsi al College negli Stati Uniti

20/11/2013 - 3 pm - OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

Sandro Zinani educational advisor of the Fulbright Commission will talk about the US Academic System with a specific focus on Undergraduate Programs (laurea di 1° Livello)
During the seminar he will present:
  • How to select a College or University
  • The Admission procedures
  • Scholarship opportunities
STORYTIME - Special Edition for Universal Children's Day

Giving Thanks: A Native American Good Morning Message by Chief Jake Swamp of the Mohawk Nation.

10/11/2013 - 6 pm - OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

In the Native American tradition, Mother Earth is responsible for all things.  Children are taught to thank Mother Earth each morning.  Everything is linked: from the sun and the moon to the thinnest blade of grass.

Reading of the story in English, followed by a related activity.

Thanksgiving in Cincinnati

I love Thanksgiving and have maintained the tradition in my own house!  Thursday is too complicated now, so we have Thanksgiving lunch on the Sunday after Thanksgiving.

As a kid in Cincinnati, Ohio, we would alternate places each year, at that time my family and both sets of grandparents lived in the same city, just a 10 minute drive away from each other. 
At my Mom's parents' house, Grandma Haisley always set a beautiful table and it was always lots of fun catching up on what Grandpa's 6 brothers and sisters and their families were up to.  I now have Grandma's homemade green Thanksgiving tablecloth and napkins.  You could smell the turkey when you were in the driveway.  My family isn't a big football family, so we would watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV on Grandma and Grandpa's Zenith.  Grandma Haisley always had pumpkin pie with whipped cream and mincemeat pie (I never really developed a taste for that though!)

At my Dad's father's house Aunt Margie was in charge in her fancy dining room.  It was much quieter there.  My mom helped her a lot though!  Instead of parades, we had piano playing.  My Dad played the same songs every year and my Grandpa would pull his violin out of the closet and play some tunes too.

When it was our turn to have Thanksgiving at our house, my sister and I helped my Mom.  Pumpkin pies can be made the day before as well as the giblet broth that goes into gravy and stuffing.  It smelled like Thanksgiving already on Wednesday.  We got out all the good dishes, nice tablecloths, the glasses that you have to wash by hand.  Everybody would come to our house and spend the day there.  Finally it would take a long time to wash all those dishes!  After the company left, we changed into our jeans and t-shirts and took the leaves out of the tables and hit the dishes.  Before we went to bed, everything was already perfect and my Mom already had the tablecloths in the washing machine.  

Friday was shopping day!  We sometimes went to downtown Cincinnati with my Mom and Grandma to the big fancy department stores with important names:  Pogue's, Shillito's, McAlpins.  We usually didn't buy much, but it was fun.  Going downtown was something special.  The Christmas displays and Santa Claus were already there.  Those big local department stores no longer exist and too bad that nobody goes shopping downtown anymore. 

Happy Thanksgiving,

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving

Hello Friends,

We are getting really excited about Thanksgiving! To help you get ready, I would like to tell you a few things about why I love it so much.

The first thing you must know is that Thanksgiving is the best day in the world. Your family comes home from all over the country (sometimes the world) to be together. You get the day off and the next day too (most of the time. Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday of November. We are celebrating it the Friday before).

Ask any American. Their favorite food is Thanksgiving. Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Stuffing, Pumpkin Pie. I became a Vegetarian exactly three years ago, the day AFTER Thanksgiving.

I won't eat the  bird this year but I will enjoy the smell of the kitchen.

Thanksgiving means being thankful for all that you have. We take this aspect very seriously. Even non-religious families have a prayer before dinner on Thanksgiving.

This is not a commercial holiday. There are no presents to buy.

It is the one day we get dressed up to have a dinner at home.

We watch the Macy's Day Parade on TV. Later  we watch Football.

We eat. We get full. We eat again. We talk. We laugh. We go to bed. We get up and we eat the leftovers.

It is the best Holiday in the world. This is going to be the best Thanksgiving Ever!

Love, Karoline


It's a record!

101 of our members will take part in our FIRST EVER FAMILY THANKSGIVING DINNER at our new location in Piazza Sant'Antonio, 6.

We can't wait!!!

Remember, it is a pot luck (everyone brings something). For Americans, please bring food (email or call us to tell us what you're bringing). Italians, you can bring the drinks.

Music by Judy Moss and her Super Band!

See you at the Association on Friday!!

Brain and Language Lab for Native English Speakers

Native English Speakers - You can earn €25, help science and learn something new. 

Ana Laura Diez is a researcher at SISSA. She is part of the Brain and Language lab and is conducting a behavioral study for which she needs to test native English speakers.

The tasks are very simple (pressing keys while you see colors on the screen). It is basically a game that is played in 3 different days: half an hour the first day and then a week after, the second session for another half an hour. The third session (it has to be a successive day to the second session) lasts an hour. A 25 euro compensation will be paid.

If you are interested in participating, contact Ana Laura Diez directly at diez@sissa.it   She will start testing on Monday, but she is also available on Saturdays and Sundays.

Welcome Home Stranger - Nov. 21st 7 pm

Friday American Experience: Richard Manson - Guest Speaker

RICHARD MANSON - Navajo Name NATONKONTSAKES—Guest Speaker—NAVAJO Tribal Artist, Sculptor, Teacher and Native American Ceremonial Expert, now living in Slovenia will speak about the Navajo Culture.

 FRIDAY, November 15th at 6 pm.
15 novembre ore 18 – NATONKONTSAKES (all’anagrafe Richard Manson) – Conferenza “I Navajo”. Robert, un Navajo dal tribù Diné, che oggi vive in Slovenia, è un’ artista, scultore, insegnante, sciamano, esperto negli ceremoni indiani. Ingresso Libero.

Richard Manson, 52 years old, was born in Bluff, UTAH. He is a Diné, and lived in Arizona in the Navajo Nation, the largest Indian Reservation in the US.

A Navajo artist, painter and sculptor, is an expert on the sacred traditions of his people, and very proud of the teachings that he has received, shared from generation to generation through his grandparents who strongly influenced his path in life from childhood, through to adulthood.

He has diverse work experiences from carpentry to mechanics. For Richard it is fundamental that he have the opportunity to express himself creatively through his art, events and ceremonies.

Upon his arrival in Europe in 2000, he moved first to Slovenia and then to Italy, always expanding his knowledge and sharing his teachings linked to his culture based on respect for "Mother Earth", as a source for learning and relationships and the development of full potential on a human level.

In Europe, in a few intense years, he learned mountain climbing thanks to his dedication to this activity. He has personally become more connected to the mountains, which has led him to explore the Himalayas and some other mountain peaks around the world.
Richard is also a journalist and contributes to some magazines such as the "Navajo Times". He also holds conferences for young people and adults, in which he speaks of his experiences which connect him to different parts of the world.

Nov. 22 —True Whispers—The Story of the Navajo Code Talkers (PBS 60 min.)- The Navajo men who served in the US Marines during WWII and devised an unbreakable code in their native language to transmit vital messages to military forces in the Pacific. 

THANKSGIVING DINNER for MEMBERS ONLY (with reservation) follows.  

Thursday Coffee Break

It's the second Thursday, so it must be Thursday Coffee Break time!
Join us from 10-12, November 14th at American Corner Trieste, Piazza S. Antonio 6, 2nd Floor.

A good cup of coffee or tea and some great conversation in English!

Open to the Public

Silver Linings Playbook - in English

Thursday, November 14, 2013 - Showtimes 2, 4, 6:30 and 9 pm
The first film in the 33rd Rassegna del Cinema Americano in Lingua Originale at Cinema dei Fabbri, via dei Fabbri 2/A

Silver Linings Playbook (2012) 122 min.
After a stint in a mental institution, former teacher Pat Solitano moves back in with his parents and tries to reconcile with his ex-wife. Things get more challenging when Pat meets Tiffany, a mysterious girl with problems of her own.
Director: David O. Russell
Writers: David O. Russell (screenplay), Matthew Quick (novel)
Stars: Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert De Niro

Members only... not a member yet? Become one - € 35 intero, € 25 ridotto (students over age 16, Teachers, 65 and over)
Membership at AIA FVG - P Sant'Antonio 6 Monday to Friday 4-7 pm or Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9-12. You can also become a member directly on American Cinema Day at Cinema dei Fabbri. Sorry, no single admittance tickets sold.
9 films, use of our fantastic library, invitations to member only events, the newsletter.
The next films will be:

28/11/ 2013  Searching for Sugar Man. Dir. Malik Benjelloul. Starring Steven “Sugar” Segerman, Dennis Coffey. Oscar, best documentary, 2013. (86 min.)

5/12/ 2013  ParaNorman. Dir. Chris Butler, Sam Fell. Starring Kodi Smith-McPhee, Casey Affleck, Elaine Stritch. Oscar nomination, best animated feature, 2013. (92 min.)

16/01/ 2014  The Sessions. Dir. Ben Lewin. Starring John Hawkes, Helen Hunt, William H. Macy.  Oscar nomination, best actress in a supporting role, 2013. (95 min.)

13/02/ 2014  The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Dir. Stephen Chboski. Starring Logan Lerman, Paul Rudd. Independent Spirit Awards, best first feature, 2013. (102 min.)

6 /03/ 2014  Flight. Dir. Robert Zemeckis. Starring Denzel Washington, John Goodman. Oscar nominations, best actor in a leading role; best writing, original screenplay, 2013. (138 min.)

20 /03/ 2014  Blue Jasmine. Dir. Woody Allen. Starring Cate Blanchett, Alec Baldwin, Sally Hawkins. (98 min.)

17/04/ 2014  The Butler. Dir. Lee Daniels. Starring John Cusak, Forest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey. (132 min.)

15 /05/ 2014  Saving Mr. Banks. Dir. John Lee Hancock. Starring Tom Hanks, Emma Thompson.  (125 min.)
See you at the cinema or the association!

Movies! Movies! Movies!

The 33rd Annual American Cinema Series begins on
November 14th at Cinema Dei Fabbri,
Via Dei Fabbri 2/A
Don't miss a single Film or our Members Only Activities.
€25 - Ridotto - students 16 and over, teachers, 65 and over
€35 - Intero - common mortals!  Membership includes much more... read on for details
You can purchase your membership in our Headquarters in P. S. Antonio, 6 - Trieste
 Monday through Friday 16-19, Tuesday and Thursday 9-12.

Thanksgiving - Nov. 22nd - Members Only

Join us on November 22nd at 7:30 for a Family Style Thanksgiving
(Yes, we know that Thanksgiving is officially on Thursday, November 28th). 
MEMBERS Only (and their spouses/children)  ... Not a member yet? What a great reason to become one!  €35 Intero, € 25 Ridotto - students 16 and over, teachers, over age 65)

LIMITED to 100 participants.
RESERVATION and PAYMENT REQUIRED to block your place.
€10 for Adults, € 5 for children age 12 and under.
DEADLINE for Reservations:  November 15th

This year we will do everything in our new home in Piazza S. Antonio, 6. 
The Association will be cooking the Turkeys.  The rest is a Pot Luck!

- North Americans bring assigned hors d'oeuvre, Sides and Desserts.  We'll contact you after you make your reservation and pay.
- Italians will come hungry with the wine and beverages. 

See you there!

Native American Heritage Month

American Corner Trieste Celebrates Native American Heritage during the Month of November.  Join us for 2 documentaries and a Speaker.  Every Friday at 6 p.m.  OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

Nov. 8th - Last Stand at Little Big Horn:  Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse Battle Custer - This tragic battle as seen from both sides of the story - Native and White - 60 min. PBS

Nov. 15th - Richard Manson - Guest Speaker.  Richard is a Navajo from Arizona, who is now living in Slovenia!  An artist, teacher, ceremonial expert.  He will speak about Navajo life and customs.

Nov. 22nd - Code Whispers - The Navajo veterans of WWII who used their native language to create an unbreakable code on the Pacific front.  60 min. PBS.

At 7:30 p.m. after Code Whispers we will have Thanksgiving - Members ONLY - Reservation and Payment required. 

November 2013 Newsletter

AIA-FVG / American Corner Trieste


November leads us to the American Film Series, Native Americans, Thanksgiving and before you know it Cookie Fest with San Nicolò.  We are also introducing a new activity entitled “Welcome Home Stranger”.  Don’t forget to renew your membership so that you can attend our film series, use our library and take advantage of members-only activities.  See you at the Association.  There is something for everyone!


Membership is valid for 1 school year.  Renew for 2013/14!  In addition to our American Cinema Series, we also have a fantastic library with over 5000 books, magazines and 1300 DVD’s, a Children’s Corner Library.  Everything is available for check-out.  Your membership is also valid for Members-Only activities.   Membership is €25 for students, teachers and over age 65 and €35 for regular membership.  You must be 16 to become a member.  Bring a friend, your spouse, your colleagues… your mother, your teenager!  There is a form to be filled out.  Click here to download the membership form or pick it up directly in the office.  Memberships can be made in the Association or directly at the Cinema on American movie day before the show.  More questions? Check out our FAQ.


Our 33rd Annual English Language American Film Series will be shown at the Cinema dei Fabbri, Via dei Fabbri 2/A in Trieste.  Showings will be on Thursdays at 2, 4, 6:30 and 9 pm.  The first film of the series is Silver Linings Playbook (starring Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert DeNiro) on November 14th.  (This substitutes the film “42” that was previously published in our program but is not available for distribution).  Here is the complete list of films for the 2013/14 season.  You can pick up your definitive Membership Cards in our Office from November 11th or directly at the Cinema dei Fabbri on American Film day. 
28/11/ 2013  Searching for Sugar Man. Dir. Malik Benjelloul. Starring Steven “Sugar” Segerman, Dennis Coffey. Oscar, best documentary, 2013. (86 min.)

We are a 100% Volunteer Run organization.  Only our teachers are paid.  We manage the library, answer the phone, clean, take out the garbage, assemble furniture, paint, do the accounting, design flyers, organize programs, staff the cinema, organize Storytime, present documentaries, cleanup after TGIF, set-up for Coffee Break, Bake Cookies.  Sound interesting?  Come on down, we would love to have you join us!

Congratulations to our volunteers and new Moms Bethany and Luisa!  Enjoy these first months with your little cuties!


A representative from Education USA / Fulbright Italy will speak about going to the university in the US.  Information on College Admission Requirements, Scholarships, Financial Aid, Study Visas.  Teachers, Parents and High School Students, find out how you can go to the University in the US.  If you are a teacher, please inform your students of this initiative.http://www.fulbright.it/it/servizio-informazioni/sessioni-informative/locandine/locandina-incontro-american-corner-trieste-2013

SPECIAL STORYTIME – November 20, 2013 at 6 pm – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

In honor of U.N. Universal Children’s Day, we will celebrate with the other Trieste public libraries and associations with an extra Storytime.  Come on down with your children. This is a preview for our Saturday Storytime starting again in January.

 WELCOME HOME STRANGER – November 21, 2013 from 7-9 pm – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

Everybody who is new to Trieste is a “stranger” here, whether you come from the US, China, Serbia, Brazil, Kenya, Australia or even Rome.  It takes some getting used to and a lot of patience.  Believe it or not, once you get over the rough period, you’ll come to love it here.  This program designed to help newcomers get acclimated here.  Topics can vary from dealing with bureaucracy, getting through the Questura, finding an apartment, enjoying your favorite foods and discovering new favorites, getting an English speaking doctor, setting up your cell phone / Internet connections, practicing your favorite sports, making new friends, learning Italian.  The meetings will be held in English with the expert guidance of Andrea Carnaghi, a “stranger” here himself, although he has been living in Trieste for several years.  Please join us and bring some fellow newcomers!  The group will become what you want it to become.   


November 14th -  Come and enjoy a cup of coffee and some great conversation in English!    


NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH:   Native Americans, the First Americans

Nov. 8th Last Stand at Little Big Horn:  Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse battle Custer – (doc. 60 min.) Both sides of the Battle, from the Native and White perpectives.  On of American history’s most myth-laden and misunderstood events. 

Nov. 15thRichard Manson – Guest Speaker – Diné of the Navajo Tribe.  Ceremonial Expert, Teacher, Artist, Sculptor.

Nov. 22ndTrue Whispers – The Story of the Navajo Code Talkers (doc. 60 min.) The men who devised an unbreakable code in their native language in WWII. Stay on for Thanksgiving after the documentary.


TGI…T! (Thank God It’s THANKSGIVING)– in our office from 7 – 9 pm – MEMBERS ONLY 

November 22nd is our Thanksgiving Pot Luck!  Yes, we know that Thanksgiving is on Thursday, but Friday is more fun!  This is now a MEMBERS ONLY event.  Children are welcome.  How does it work? 

·        2013/14 Members Only of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG (Not a member yet?  Become one!)
·        We supply the turkey and a football game on our wide screen.
·        Reservation required aia.fvg@gmail.com or 040 63 03 01.  Limited to 100 people
·        Americans sign up with your telephone number and e-mail address and we will contact you to assign an hors d’oeuvre, side dish or dessert (serving 6 people) to bring
·        Italians and others sign up for wine and beverages.
·        €10 donation per adult, €5 for children under age 12. 
·        Enjoy …

COOKIE FEST and San Nicolò VISIT – November 29th from 5-7 pm – OPEN to MEMBERS and their CHILDREN
Our Annual Cookie Fest Event to kick off the Holiday Season.  Bring Christmas Cookies and Cakes to share.  American Cooking School Demonstrations, Cookie Decorating for Children, Decorate the Christmas Tree, Visit with San Nicolò,   Get your Picture Taken, Give him your Wish List.  Please call or email to reserve for your children or to volunteer aia.fvg@gmail.com or 040 63 03 01.  We will need Volunteers to bring cookies, decorate, help with the Children’s Activities. 

Coming in December – Made for Each Other TV vs Film series.

See you this Fall at the Association!       

FOLLOW US on:                               www.aia-fvg.blogspot.it   https://twitter.com/AIAFVG

Piazza S. Antonio 6, 34122 Trieste – 040 63 03 01       aia.fvg@gmail.com

Hours: Monday-Friday 4-7pm, Tuesday and Thursday 9-12