Join us on Tuesday November 6, 2012 from 8 - 11 p.m. at the Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste for an evening of US Election fun!
We'll have some pizza, follow the exit polls, enjoy some classic American TV and Films about the Presidential Elections. Anybody for Dave, Being There, or West Wing?
We'll get you home to bed by 11 p.m.... You'll have to follow the final results from home.
Please call the office to reserve (040 63 03 01) a contribution of €5 per person is requested.
Closed on November 1st and 2nd
Bring your kids in costume! Friday, October 26th from 5-7pm. Play games and visit the HAUNTED AULA MAGNA!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
AIA requests a 5 euro donation per family. See you at the Association on Friday!
US Election Conference - with US Consul General Kyle Scott and Professors from the U. of Trieste - Oct. 31, 12 3:30 p.m.
Join Kyle Scott, US Consul General in Milan, Georg Meyr, Elisabetta Vezzosi, Carla Konta, Annalisa Mogorovich, Matteo Pretelli for this discussion about the US Elections. Sponsored by the US Consulate Milan, and the University of Trieste, Associazione Italo Americana FVG /American Corner Trieste
October 31, 2012, 3:30 at the Biblioteca Statale, Largo Papa Giovanni XXIII, 6- Trieste
Open to the Public
October 31, 2012, 3:30 at the Biblioteca Statale, Largo Papa Giovanni XXIII, 6- Trieste
Open to the Public
American Movie Night - October 25, 2012
Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
It's almost time for our first movie of the season at the Ariston.
Extremely Loud, Incredibly Close, starring Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, Max von Sydow. The story of a boy who lost his father in 9 11 and his attempts to learn more about his dad.
Show times: 2, 4, 6:30, 9 p.m.
No a member yet? No problem.
You can get your membership either in our office or directly at the Ariston on American Film Day. €25 for students (16 and over), teachers, + 65 years, and €35 for regular membership. You can become a member at any time.
Remember that your membership in the Associazione Italo Americana FVG is also valid for the Made for Each Other Series at the Cappella Underground, use of our fantastic library, special events, children's events.
Sorry, We can't sell single admission tickets.
In case you were wondering, here is the list of the films for the year:
It's almost time for our first movie of the season at the Ariston.
Extremely Loud, Incredibly Close, starring Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, Max von Sydow. The story of a boy who lost his father in 9 11 and his attempts to learn more about his dad.
Show times: 2, 4, 6:30, 9 p.m.
No a member yet? No problem.
You can get your membership either in our office or directly at the Ariston on American Film Day. €25 for students (16 and over), teachers, + 65 years, and €35 for regular membership. You can become a member at any time.
Remember that your membership in the Associazione Italo Americana FVG is also valid for the Made for Each Other Series at the Cappella Underground, use of our fantastic library, special events, children's events.
Sorry, We can't sell single admission tickets.
In case you were wondering, here is the list of the films for the year:
Nov. 15 - Martha
Marcy May Marlene
Dec. 6 - The Big
Jan. 24 - Margin
Feb. 14 - Hope
Mar. 7 - The
Mar. 21 - Moonrise
Apr. 18 - Hyde Park
on Hudson
May 2 - Beasts of the
Southern Wild
More questions? Look at our FAQ section.
89 More Members than last year at this time!
As we make our way to our goal of 600 members for 2012-2013, here is what the situation looks like compared to last year!
October 18, 2011
Total: 186
October 18, 2012
Total: 275
Do you have your new Membership card? They are ready and they are BEAUTIFUL!
October 22, 2011
Total: 199
October 22, 2012
Total: 288
October 18, 2011
Total: 186
October 18, 2012
Total: 275
Do you have your new Membership card? They are ready and they are BEAUTIFUL!
October 22, 2011
Total: 199
October 22, 2012
Total: 288
US Presidential Elections 2012 - Guest Speaker
US Presidential Elections 2012 - Guest Speaker Join us tonight, Friday October 19, 2012 at 6 p.m. at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste - via Roma 15 - Trieste - for our Guest Speaker, Richard Snelsire, Political and Economic Consul from the US Consulate General Milan.
Ingresso Libero - Open to the Public
Our next Election 2012 appointment is the Election Night All Nighter on Tuesday, November 6th from 8 p.m. Stay as long or as little as you like. Have a bite to eat, meet some friends, follow the election returns, enjoy some classic American TV and films about the elections, vote in our in-house polling station. Reservation requested at or during office hours at 040 63 03 01. Contribution of €5 per person requested at the the door.
Ingresso Libero - Open to the Public
Our next Election 2012 appointment is the Election Night All Nighter on Tuesday, November 6th from 8 p.m. Stay as long or as little as you like. Have a bite to eat, meet some friends, follow the election returns, enjoy some classic American TV and films about the elections, vote in our in-house polling station. Reservation requested at or during office hours at 040 63 03 01. Contribution of €5 per person requested at the the door.
Special Edition - October 2012 Newsletter
AIA-FVG / American Corner Trieste
Hello! We usually only send one newsletter a month, but we have some breaking news and important reminders to give you before the November edition comes out!
Friday, October 19, 2012, 6 p.m. in via Roma 15 – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
“2012 Presidential Elections and the Scenarios in US Foreign Policy according to the Election Results”
Speaker: Richard Snelsire, Consul for Political and Economic Affairs at the US Consulate General – Milan
Mr. Snelsire, a distinguished public speaker, will share his insights on what could change in US Foreign Policy according to the winner of the November 6th Elections.
AMERICAN FILM SERIES at Cinema Ariston – Viale Romolo Gessi 14 - Trieste
Our first film is on Thursday, October 25th with show times at 2, 4, 6:30 and 9 p.m.
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close – starring Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, Max von Sydow. Based on the novel by Jonathan Safran Foer. Admission is for members only. Sorry, no single ticket sales… Not a member yet? No problem…read on for more info
Today we already have 257 members. Help us reach our goal of 600. Support the Association. We are not just a film club. In addition to unlimited use of our Library, membership also includes entrance to the American Film Series at the Ariston, the Made for Each Other series at Cappella Underground, invitations to our special events like Halloween, Election Night, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, our newsletter and much more! What a great gift for yourself, your spouse, a friend, a grandchild!
Prices are unchanged for the 2012/13 Year:
€25 for students (over age 16), teachers, Over 65
€35 for regular membership
You can become a member directly in our office during hours (Monday through Friday 4-8 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursdays 10-noon). In addition you can register with us directly at the Ariston on Cinema night. You will receive a temporary card, and the permanent card will be issued within a week. The membership form to fill in is attached to this message. Any questions or doubts? Check out our FAQ.
Already a 2012/13 member? Your Permanent Membership Card is ready in our office or on American Film Night at the Ariston.
HALLOWEEN PARTY FOR CHILDREN– Friday, October 26,, 2012, 5-7 p.m. – Please Reserve
This classic annual event is dedicated to little ghosts, goblins, witches and wizards (and their parents)! Trick or Treat, Spooky Room, Games and Pumpkin Carving. Please reserve by e-mail ( or call during office hours (040 63 03 01) so that we know how many people to expect. This is open to children of members and your children’s friends. We request a contribution of €5 per family to cover the costs. Volunteers are welcome to come and help us set up staff our spooky room, and … clean up! Junior Volunteers, we would love it if you could come in too and do your magic with our young visitors!
ELECTION NIGHT ALL NIGHTER – Tuesday, November 6, 2012 from 8 p.m. until ???
Come in from 8 p.m., Stay as little or as long as you like. Enjoy a bite with friends, follow the election results, vote in our in-house polling station, talk some politics, enjoy some American TV programs and films regarding Presidential elections. Anybody for West Wing, The Candidate, Being There, Primary Colors? Don’t worry, we won’t close the doors, until the last person leaves! Open to members and friends of members. A €5 per person contribution is requested. Please call to reserve, so we know how many people to expect.
THANKSGIVING DINNER – Thursday, November 22, 2012 – YES! There will be TURKEY!! More details coming soon.
Hello all you diligent AIA FVG English Students(past, present and future)! We are so proud of all of you! Keep up the great work! Not a student yet? Become one! Our courses are all conversation based and we do our best to keep them fun, interesting and useful. (Don’t worry, if we need to repeat some grammar we do that too). Every lesson is different and you can begin at any time. We’ll calculate the price from when you begin. Here is our schedule of classes:
Pre-School New 5 week course starting on Nov. 7th , Wednesdays 5-6 p.m. €50. Accepting enrollment now!
Elementary A Tuesdays, 4:45 – 6:15 p.m.
Elementary B Wednesdays, 3 – 4:30 p.m.
Middle School Tuesdays, 3:30 – 5 p.m.
High School A Thursdays, 3 – 5 p.m.
High School B Thursdays, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Adult Beginner / Advanced Beginner - Mondays 6-8 p.m.
Adult Intermediate - Tuesdays, 6-8 p.m.
Adult Advanced Wednesdays, 6-8 p.m.
We are a volunteer-run organization and we have something for everybody: Front Desk, Library, Accounting, Cinema, Fundraising, Activities. Contact us to volunteer. Join over 40 active volunteers!
See you in October at the Association!
Since 1961. Learn, Laugh, Speak…in English.
A full immersion experience in English without leaving Trieste.
Via Roma 15, 34132 Trieste – 040 63 03 01
Hours: Monday-Friday 4-8pm, Tuesday and Thursday 10-12
FAQ Membership in AIA FVG

Hi! Welcome! Become a Member of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste. We are not just a film club. Since 1961 we have been offering a full immersion experience in English for all ages, without leaving Trieste.
First things first...
How much does it cost to be come a member?
€25 for "Ridotto": Students (over age 16), Teachers, and 65 years and older
€35 for "Intero" : Regular Adult Membership
How do I become a member?
You can come by our office and fill in our membership form, or register at the Ariston directly on American Film Night. We are located in Via Roma 15 - Trieste - tel: 040 63 03 01, Office Hours: Monday to Friday 4-8 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday 10-noon.
How can I pay?
We accept Cash, Checks, IBAN (if you pay by IBAN please specify in the request your first and last name and that is for Iscrizione Socio 2012/13). Bring a print of your IBAN Payment when you fill in your form to receive your membership card and your receipt.
Our IBAN is: IT49A0200802290000005261887 - Associazione Italo Americana FVG.
How long is my membership valid?
Membership lasts for 1 school year from September until August. You must renew each year.
What do I get with my Membership?
- American Film Series (in English) at the Cinema Ariston - 9 films (Oct - May)
- Made For Each Other Comparative TV / Film Series with Commentary at the Cappella Underground - 10 appointments episodes (Jan - Apr)
- Use of our fantastic American Corner Library - with over 10,000 books, 1,000 DVD's, magazines available in lending. We are also a great place to study if you are downtown.
- Children's Corner Library and I Love Reading Competitions
- Wi Fi Zone
- Thursday Coffee Break - 2nd Thursday of each month 10- noon - Open to the Public
- Friday American Experience - An American documentary or speaker each Friday (Sept.-Apr.) - Open to the Public
- Saturday Storytime - Classic tales read to children of members by a mother tongue and a related activity (Jan-Mar)
- Registration to take one of our English Courses - for all levels, ages and interest
- Registration for American Cooking School - (Feb-Mar-Apr)
- Monthly e-mail newsletter with an update on all of the activities for the month
- Invitations to our special cultural events - Guest Speakers, Conferences, Halloween, Election Night, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, and anything else that comes up!
Can I go to the American Film Series if I am not a member?
Sorry, you have to be a member. We cannot sell single tickets.
When is the first film?
Thursday, October 25th with showtimes at 2,4,6:30, 9 p.m. - Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close starring Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, Max von Sydow, based on the book by Jonathan Safran Foer.
Where is the list of Films?
Here it is...When you become a member, you receive a booklet with a complete listing of all of our events and activities. We will also remind you each month with our newsletter and include the titles and a summary on our blog and on facebook
Oct. 25 - Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
Nov. 15 - Martha Marcy May Marlene
Dec. 6 - The Big Year
Jan. 24 - Margin Call
Feb. 14 - Hope Springs
Mar. 7 - The Master
Mar. 21 - Moonrise Kingdom
Apr. 18 - Hyde Park on Hudson
May 2 - Beasts of the Southern Wild
In case you were wondering, we are a volunteer run non-profit association.
See you in the Association! and at the movies, and at a conference, and in class, and at coffee break, and....
More questions? Give us a call or pass by.
Halloween Party for Kids

Friday American Experience - Friday, Oct. 12th, 6 p.m.
The Voting Process in America is this week's Friday American Experience documentary at the Associazione Italo Americana / American Corner Trieste.
Save the dates:
We'll learn about the right to vote in the USA, the electoral college procedure, election of national and state leaders and why Americans should take their right to vote very seriously. Practically a lesson on in the US voting process as seen by ordinary people and the experts. All you ever wanted to know about US voting and elections, but were afraid to ask.
50 minutes. Open to the Public. In English
Save the dates:
Oct 19th - Richard Snelsire, Political Officer of the US Consulate Milan will speak about the American Elections. Details coming soon.
Nov. 6th - US Election Night All Nighter - Follow the election results live all night long at AIA FVG / American Corner Trieste.
Our Fall Semester English courses begin this week (Oct. 8th) at Associazione Italo Americana FVG.
If time got away from you, and you forgot to register, don't worry! Send us an e-mail , call during office hours 040 63 03 01, or stop by. We'll get you set up!
Pre-school, Elementary, Middle School, High School
Adult Beginner, Advanced Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Don't forget our special course: English for English Teachers.
If time got away from you, and you forgot to register, don't worry! Send us an e-mail , call during office hours 040 63 03 01, or stop by. We'll get you set up!
Pre-school, Elementary, Middle School, High School
Adult Beginner, Advanced Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Don't forget our special course: English for English Teachers.
Thursday Coffee Break - Oct. 11th
Thursday Coffee Break Time at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste, via Roma 15, Trieste
Thursday, October 11, 2012 from 10 - noon.
Some clever conversation (in English naturally) and a good cup of Java Jive. Donation requested for coffee.
Thursday, October 11, 2012 from 10 - noon.
Some clever conversation (in English naturally) and a good cup of Java Jive. Donation requested for coffee.
Great Indian Wars, Part 2
That being said, anyone who cannot take take it because of the day of the week should contact Karoline if they prefer to have it on Tuesdays.
Thanks! Karoline
That being said, anyone who cannot take take it because of the day of the week should contact Karoline if they prefer to have it on Tuesdays.
Thanks! Karoline
October Newsletter
American Corner Trieste
We had a fun and busy
September and hope to enjoy a wonderful Indian Summer! The year kicked off with the Aperitivo
with Joe Bastianich, Italian American Chef, Entrepreneur of MasterChef Fame. In addition we concluded our I Love
Reading Summer Reading Program with an Awards Ceremony and began our Friday
American Experience Documentaries. In
October we are in full gear with our American Film Series, Courses – Intensive
and Fall Semester. As always, we are looking for volunteers for: front desk,
the movies, library, and company ambassadors to sell tickets at your work! We
are a volunteer-run association and love having new friends help us in any way
you can!
FALL COURSES are here! Note
that we have divided them into semesters this year. There is a discount of 5% when
you pay by bank transfer. Please put name of student, name of the course and
give a phone number when you pay online. IBAN:
Pre-School: We are currently
putting together a course for pre-schoolers. Call for more information.
Tuesdays: 5-6:30pm starting October 9 and finishing December 11. Total:
10 weeks (15 hours)—euro 150
Wednesdays: 3-4:30pm starting October 10 and finishing December 12. Total:
10 weeks (15 hours)—euro 150
Middle School:
Tuesdays: 3-5pm starting October 11 and finishing December 12. Total:
10 weeks (20 hours)—euro 260
High School:
Thursdays: 3-5pm starting October 11 and finishing December 20 (Nov 1st,
no class). Total: 10 weeks (20 hours)—euro 260
Thursdays: 5:30-7:30pm starting October 11 and finishing December 20 (Nov. 1st,
no class). Total: 10 weeks (20 hours)—euro 260
Mondays: 4-6pm starting October 8 and finishing December 10. Total:
10 weeks (20 hours)—euro 260
Advanced beginners:
Mondays: 6-8pm starting October 8 and finishing December 10. Total:
10 weeks (20 hours)—euro 260
Intermediate Conversation:
Tuesdays: 6-8pm starting October 9 and finishing December 11. Total:
10 weeks (20 hours)—euro 260
Advanced Conversation:
Wednesdays: 4-6pm starting October 10 and finishing December 12. Total:
10 weeks (20 hours)—euro 260
2010-2011: 340 MEMBERS
2011-2012: 495 MEMBERS
MEMBERSHIP GOAL FOR 2012-2013: 600
Thanks to an increase in membership last year, we have
kept membership rates the same again this year. Please tell your friends and
family. Membership cards for 2012-2013 are available! What a great gift for a
friend, spouse, grandchild!
As of October 1st: 135 members (only 465 to go!) Join or renew now and
take advantage of our programs: American
Cinema Series at the Ariston, Made for Each Other at Cappella Underground,
Library /Mediateca, Children’s Corner, Invitations to Special Events, Coffee
Breaks, Friday American Experience, Saturday Storytime Membership
is: €25 for students (age 16 and over),
teachers, over age 65, €35 for regular membership. Our new
laminated Membership cards will be available 1 week after you have paid and
completed your registration. You can
pick them up in the office or directly at the cinema.
A Call for AIA FVG Ambassadors!
We have packets prepared with posters and membership information for you
to distribute in your companie , universities, schools.. Call us or come by to pick them up!
AMERICAN FILM SERIES at Cinema Ariston – 2, 4, 6:30
and 9 p.m. – MEMBERS ONLY
We have a great program for the year. To go the movies, you must be a member of AIA
–FVG. Sorry, no single admission tickets
can be sold.
Oct. 25th – Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
– Starring Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, Max von Sydow.
THURSDAY COFFEE BREAK in our library 10 – 12 – OPEN TO
Oct. 11th – Our
monthly appointment to have a coffee and some good conversation (in
FRIDAY AMERICAN EXPERIENCE in our Aula Magna at 6 p.m.
The best of American
documentary films (in English)
Oct. 5th –Great Indian Wars, part 2 – The
conclusion of the battles that changed America’s landscape forever. 90 min.
Oct. 12th –The U.S. Election Process – Explanation
of how the American voting process works.
50 min.
Oct. 19th –Beyond our Differences – Hope and
optimism: How they shape our lives and
those of others. 72 min.
HALLOWEEN PARTY for Children in AIA-FVG – 5-7 p.m. –
Reservation Required
Oct. 26th – For
children aged 0 – 12. Halloween games,
Jack-o-Lanterns and fun for everyone.
Come in costume! Jr. and Sr.
Volunteers are needed to assist the little ones and staff our super spooky
haunted room! Reservation required. €5 contribution per family requested.
I ♥ READING – Summer Reading Program
Congratulations to all our
Summer Readers! We are so proud of all
of you! If you missed our awards
ceremony on September 26th, please come in and pick up your
certificate. Remember, our library is
open all year long. New books have just
arrived and will soon be on the shelves.
The name selected was “Ricky
Read”. Thanks for all of your
suggestions. We love Ricky!
November 6th – US
Election Night All Nighter. Details
coming soon!
Nov. 22nd –
Thanksgiving Dinner – Our traditional event at a location soon to be defined.
Kids Zone designated
classroom, High Tech Multi-Media Room, Renovation of our premises and much more.
OFFICE RENTAL SPACE – We have office
space available. Email for
See you in October at the Association!
Via Roma 15, 34132 Trieste – 040 63 03
Monday-Friday 4-8pm, Tuesday and Thursday 10-12
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