Another week of events dedicated to Trieste USA.
Tuesday, May 22nd, 9:45 a.m. - Trieste USA 1945-1954 - A Walking Tour in ITALIAN. Discover all of the downtown hangouts of the Allied Military Government. The tour lasts 2 hours and 30 minutes. An introduction in Via Roma 15 and then hit the pavement! A contribution is requested: Euro 10 non-members, Euro 8 members.
Friday, May 25th, 6 p.m. Blue Jeans and Short Skirts- American Trieste After the War 1945-1954 - Documentary written and directed by Renzo Carbonera. Mr. Carbonera will be present at the showing. The film can be viewed in either English or Italian.
Saturday, May 26th, 9:45 a.m. Trieste USA: 1945-1954 - A Walking Tour in ENGLISH - Discover all of the downtown hangouts of the Allied Military Government. The tour lasts 2 hours and 30 minutes. An introduction in Via Roma 15 and then hit the pavement! A contribution is requested: Euro 10 non-members, Euro 8 members.
A causa grande richiesta, faremo un'altra visita guidata in ITALIANO - giovedì 31 maggio ore 9:45 - Ritrovo in Via Roma 15 presso l'Associazione Italo Americana. Conosci la vita quotidiana sotto il Governo Militare Alleato - sia per gli americani sia per gli italiani. La visita dura circa 2 ore 30 minuti. E richiesta un contributo: Euro 10 per non-soci e Euro 8 per soci.
We also have a Photo Gallery and some TRUST Memorabilia that you can visit during office hours: Monday to Friday 4-8 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday 10 -12. Many thanks to the Associazione Culturale Marino Simic for lending us some of the items from their precious collection.