Are you tired of shopping? Can't find free parking downtown? Don't know what to get that impossible-to-buy-for friend or relative?
1. All of the books you can check out and read in a year! (over 10.000 at last count!)
2. Entrance to our American Film Series at the Ariston (next film: January 24)
3. Entrance to our MADE FOR EACH OTHER series at Teatro Miela (start date: January 14)
4. Bring the wee ones to STORYTIME (start date: January 12)
5. All the DVDs you can check out and watch in a year (over 900!)
6. The Inner Peace that comes from helping a non-profit cultural association thrive.
7. Eternal Youth
Prices: euro 35 full (most of us)
euro 25 reduced (students, teachers, over-65)
Give someone you love the real and lasting gift of ENGLISH and FRIENDSHIP.
PS I realize we're not open, but call 3498666667 and we will make your Membership and/or Course gifts a REALITY! YES, WE CAN!
Holiday Vacation
We will be closed from Friday, December 22nd until January 6th. See you on January 7th!
For emergencies or information about courses, please contact us via e-mail: or cell phone: 349 8 66666 7
Happy Holidays and the Best of New Years!
For emergencies or information about courses, please contact us via e-mail: or cell phone: 349 8 66666 7
Happy Holidays and the Best of New Years!
There is still space in the intensive courses!
Get those hours in!! All in one crazy week! Especially good for those working shifts, and others who are feeling a litlte rusty and need to get their confidence up.
It's FUN!
It's FUN!
CORSI d'INGLESE - INVERNO 2013 - per 10 settimane
Associazione Italo Americana FVG
RAGAZZI (1 volta la settimana):
Pre-School (Scuola Materna)
Mercoledì 5-6 p.m inizio 16/1 fine 27/3. Totale: 10 settimane (10 ore) – € 100
Elementary (Sc. Elementare)
martedì: 4:45 – 6:15pm inizio 15/1 fine 26/3. Totale: 10 settimane (15 ore)— € 150mercoledì: 3:30-5:00pm inizio 16/1 fine 27/3. Totale: 10 settimane (15 ore)— € 150
Middle School (Sc. Media)
martedì: 3-4:45pm inizio 15/1 fine 26/3. Totale: 10 settimane (17.5 ore)— € 225
High School (Sc. Superiore)
giovedì: 3-5pm inizio 17/1 fine 21/3. Totale: 10 settimane (20 ore)— € 260giovedì: 5:30-7:30pm inizio 17/1 fine 21/3. Totale: 10 settimane (20 ore)— € 260
ADULTI (1 volta la settimana):
Beginners (Principianti): lunedì: 4-6pm inizio 14/1 fine 25/3. Totale: 10 settimane (20 ore)— € 260
Advanced beginners:
lunedì: 6-8pm inizio 14/1 fine 25/3. Totale: 10 settimane (20 ore)— € 260
Intermediate Conversation:
martedì: 6-8pm inizio 15/1 fine 26/3. Totale: 10 settimane (20 ore)— € 260
Advanced Conversation:
mercoledì: 6-8pm inizio 16/1 fine 27/3. Totale: 10 weeks (20 ore)— € 260
Mercoledì dalle 16 alle 18 –5 settimane (10 ore), date da concordarsi € 130
Pagamento: Contanti, assegno oppure via IBAN.
(Se pagate via IBAN verrà applicato lo sconto del 5%, IBAN IT49A0200802290000005261887, specificare: Causale: Nome del Corso, Nome dello studente).
Per partecipare ai corsi si deve essere iscritto all’ Associazione Italo Americana FVG.
Per ragazzi sotti i 16 anni, un membro della famiglia deve essere iscritto. Per adulti, ogni partecipante deve iscriversi all’Associazione.
Intero- adulto - €35, Ridotto (studenti, insegnanti, ³ 65 anni) - €25
Non possiamo concedere lo sconto IBAN per l’iscrizione all’AIA FVG.
JANUARY 7-11, 2013 (7-11 gennaio 2013)
TOTAL 10 hours € 130 (TOTALE 10 ore) €130
Adult Beginner - Principiante 4-6 pm (ore 16-18)
Adult Advanced Beginner 6-8 pm (ore 18-20)
Adult Advanced Conversation 6-8 pm (ore 18-20)
Adult Intermediate Conversation 6-8 pm (ore 18-20)
Una botta d’inglese in 1 settimana. Quello che serve per reprendere tuo inglese un po’ arrugginito. Una vera settimana di full immersion!
Pagamento: Contanti, assegno oppure via IBAN.
(Se pagate via IBAN verrà applicato lo sconto del 5%, IBAN IT49A0200802290000005261887, specificare: Causale: Nome del Corso, Nome dello studente).
Per partecipare ai corsi si deve essere iscritto all’ Associazione Italo Americana FVG.
Per ragazzi sotti i 16 anni, un membro della famiglia deve essere iscritto. Per adulti, ogni partecipante deve iscriversi all’Associazione.
Intero- adulto - €35, Ridotto (studenti, insegnanti, ³ 65 anni) - €25
Non possiamo concedere lo sconto IBAN per l’iscrizione all’AIA FVG.
American English Website for Teachers and Students
The American English website (US Department of State - Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs) provides free resources for teaching and learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL), exploring American culture, and encouraging conversation within the global EFL community.
American English is a resource center for teaching and learning about American English language and culture. This website provides a variety of engaging materials including Video Games, Downloadable Music, Lesson Plans and resources for teachers' professional development and for students in the classroom. Both teachers and students will find new ways to practice English and learn more about the United States.
Friday American Experience - Jazz Gumbo Documentary
At American Corner Trieste on Friday, December 14, 2012 at 6 pm., to conclude our Jazz theme for Friday American Experience, the PBS documentary Jazz Gumbo, by Ken Burns will be shown in English. 90 minutes.
Explore the history of Jazz with its roots in New Orleans. Afro-American musicians blended Caribbean rhythm, Italian opera, Marching Bands, Baptist spirituals and blues to produce the music now known as "jazz".
Open to the Public
Explore the history of Jazz with its roots in New Orleans. Afro-American musicians blended Caribbean rhythm, Italian opera, Marching Bands, Baptist spirituals and blues to produce the music now known as "jazz".
Open to the Public
Thursday Coffee Break and Cookie Exchange
It's Thursday Coffee Break time at Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste! Join us Thursday, December 13th from 10-12 for a cup of coffee and some great conversation in English!
For the holidays we have added a special appointment - COOKIE EXCHANGE.
You bring 6 dozen homemade cookies (packaged 1 dozen a package) and take home a variety of 6 dozen other cookies from your fellow bakers. Great idea and less work!
For the holidays we have added a special appointment - COOKIE EXCHANGE.
You bring 6 dozen homemade cookies (packaged 1 dozen a package) and take home a variety of 6 dozen other cookies from your fellow bakers. Great idea and less work!
Happy Holidays from Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste
If you missed our Cookie Fest and Santa Visit, you can still enjoy the fun without the calories!
Here is our holiday video.
Here is our holiday video.
Trieste Early Jazz Orchestra Concert POSTPONED
Due to snow and ice, the Trieste Early Jazz Orchestra Concert scheduled for today at the Teatro Preseren - Bagnoli della Rosandra - has been cancelled.
It will be rescheduled in January 2013! Keep your fingers crossed for sun!
In the meantime, on Friday December 14th at the American Corner, we will project the Documentary - JAZZ - Gumbo by Ken Burns (PBS). The history of jazz with its New Orleans origins.
It will be rescheduled in January 2013! Keep your fingers crossed for sun!
In the meantime, on Friday December 14th at the American Corner, we will project the Documentary - JAZZ - Gumbo by Ken Burns (PBS). The history of jazz with its New Orleans origins.
For those of you who still have the temporary membership card (pink or blue), please come to the office and trade it in for your new, extra large, laminated membership card.
It may not fit in your wallet as well, but it is beautiful!!
It may not fit in your wallet as well, but it is beautiful!!
Corsi d'Inglese - Inverno 2013 - 1 volta la settimana
Associazione Italo Americana FVG
(1 volta la settimana):
Pre-School (Scuola Materna)
5-6 p.m
inizio 16/1 fine 27/3. Totale: 10 settimane
(10 ore) – € 100
Elementary (Sc.
4:45 – 6:15pm
inizio 15/1 fine 26/3. Totale: 10 settimane (15 ore)— € 150mercoledì: 3:30-5:00pm inizio 16/1 fine 27/3. Totale: 10 settimane (15 ore)— € 150
Middle School (Sc.
inizio 15/1 fine 26/3. Totale: 10 settimane (17.5 ore)— € 225
High School (Sc. Superiore)
inizio 17/1 fine 21/3. Totale: 10 settimane (20 ore)— € 260giovedì: 5:30-7:30pm inizio 17/1 fine 21/3. Totale: 10 settimane (20 ore)— € 260
ADULTI (1 volta la settimana):
(Principianti): lunedì: 4-6pm inizio 14/1 fine 25/3. Totale: 10 settimane (20 ore)— € 260
Advanced beginners:
lunedì: 6-8pm inizio 14/1 fine 25/3. Totale: 10 settimane (20 ore)— € 260
Intermediate Conversation:
martedì: 6-8pm inizio 15/1 fine 26/3. Totale: 10 settimane (20 ore)— € 260
Advanced Conversation:
mercoledì: 6-8pm inizio 16/1 fine 27/3. Totale: 10 weeks (20 ore)— € 260
Mercoledì dalle 16 alle
18 –5 settimane (10 ore), date da concordarsi € 130
Pagamento: Contanti, assegno oppure via IBAN.
pagate via IBAN verrà applicato lo sconto del 5%, IBAN IT49A0200802290000005261887, specificare: Causale:
Nome del Corso, Nome dello studente).
Per partecipare ai corsi si deve essere iscritto
all’ Associazione Italo Americana FVG.
Per ragazzi sotti i 16 anni, un membro della
famiglia deve essere iscritto. Per adulti, ogni partecipante deve iscriversi all’Associazione.
Intero- adulto - €35, Ridotto (studenti, insegnanti, ³ 65 anni) - €25
Non possiamo concedere lo sconto IBAN per l’iscrizione all’AIA FVG.
Super Intensive English Week - January 2013
JANUARY 7-11, 2013
(7-11 gennaio 2013)
TOTAL 10 hours €
260 130 (TOTALE 10 ore) € 260130
Adult Beginner - Principiante 4-6 pm (ore 16-18)
Adult Advanced Beginner 6-8
pm (ore 18-20)
Adult Advanced Conversation 6-8 pm (ore 18-20)
Intermediate Conversation 6-8 pm (ore 18-20)
Una botta d’inglese
in 1 settimana. Quello che serve per
reprendere tuo inglese un po’ arrugginito.
Una vera settimana di full immersion!
Pagamento: Contanti, assegno oppure via IBAN.
pagate via IBAN verrà applicato lo sconto del 5%, IBAN IT49A0200802290000005261887, specificare: Causale:
Nome del Corso, Nome dello studente).
Per partecipare ai corsi si deve essere iscritto
all’ Associazione Italo Americana FVG.
Per ragazzi sotti i 16 anni, un membro della
famiglia deve essere iscritto. Per adulti, ogni partecipante deve iscriversi all’Associazione.
Intero- adulto - €35, Ridotto (studenti, insegnanti, ³ 65 anni) - €25
Non possiamo concedere lo sconto IBAN per l’iscrizione all’AIA FVG.
Jazz in December at Friday American Experience
A month dedicated to Jazz
Friday, December 7th at 6 p.m., Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste propose a Conference in Italian entitled "Dal Ragtime Al
Jazz". Livio Laurenti, founder and director of the Trieste Early Jazz Orchestra, will explain how ragtime developed into jazz. He will also propose some music clips.
The conference is Open to the Public.
Jazz". Livio Laurenti, founder and director of the Trieste Early Jazz Orchestra, will explain how ragtime developed into jazz. He will also propose some music clips.
The conference is Open to the Public.
Livio Laurenti has a degree in percussion instruments from the Conservatorio
Tartini Trieste. He works both in the classic and contemporary jazz fields. He founded and directs the JOPLIN RAGTIME ORCHESTRA and the TRIESTE EARLY JAZZ ORCHESTRA with which he recorded 2 CD's that were highly acclaimed by jazz critics both in Italy and abroad.
Sunday, December 9, 2012 at 6 p.m., The Trieste Early Jazz Orchestra will perform at Teatro F. Preseren a Bagnoli della Rosandra, Open to the Public.
The concert will feature original arrangements from the 20's and 30's where blues, ballads and syncopated rhythm meet to create an explosive blend that reminds us of the atmospere and the sounds of the Cotton Club.
Friday, December 14, 2012 at 6 pm., always within the Jazz theme for Friday American Experience, the PBS documentary Jazz Gumbo, by Ken Burns will be shown in English. The history of Jazz with its roots in New Orleans. Afro-American musicians blended Caribbean rhythm, Italian opera, Marching Bands, Baptist spirituals and blues to produce the music now known as "jazz".
Open to the Public
Denise and Karoline are STARS!!
Don't forget to watch TELE4 TONIGHT FROM 6:30 TO 6:50! Denise and Karoline will talk ALL ABOUT THE ASSOCIATION, The American Cooking School, EVERYTHING!
Don't miss it!
Don't miss it!
Cookie Fest and Santa Visit
Here are some photos from our Cookie Fest and Santa Visit on November 30th. Thanks to all for a wonderful time (and some great cookies!) To view more photos click here.
Our Baker- Demonstrators: Pamela, Bethany, Janine, Denise
Santa's Helpers with the kids: Shiela, Marco, Karry, Francesca, Anastasia
Decorating Team: Erin and Valentina
Clean up Crew: We will be forever grateful!
Photographer: Angela
Holding down the fort during the party: Marcello
The Big Year at the Ariston
It's American Movie day at the Ariston on Thursday, December 6, 2012!
Join us for THE BIG YEAR, a comedy directed by David Frankel, Starring Jack Black and Owen Wilson. 100 minutes.
Here's the story: Two bird enthusiasts try to defeat the cocky, cutthroat world record holder in a year-long bird-spotting competition.
Showtimes: 2, 4, 6:30 and 9 p.m.
At the Cinema Ariston, Via Romolo Gessi - Trieste
Members only. Don't worry, you can become a member directly on Movie night!
Trieste Science+Fiction - Discount for AIA FVG members
From December 5-9, 2012 - TRIESTE SCIENCE + FICTION returns. This year it will be held at the Sala Tripcovich.
The films, from all over the globe, are projected in original version with Italian sub-titles.
Members of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG can purchase tickets to the entire series at the reduced price of €15. This ticket gets you admission to all films and events connected with the program as well as a bag and the catalogue of the festival.
Here is the complete program:
For more information about the festival visit the website:
The films, from all over the globe, are projected in original version with Italian sub-titles.
Members of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG can purchase tickets to the entire series at the reduced price of €15. This ticket gets you admission to all films and events connected with the program as well as a bag and the catalogue of the festival.
Here is the complete program:
For more information about the festival visit the website:
Great American Book Extravaganza,Part 1
We are updating our collections and eliminating some of our gently used books.
Come and visit us at the Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste and pick up some great books. During the month of December you will find Science Fiction and Fantasy Books. € 1 Contribution per book.
Office Hours - Monday to Friday 4-8 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday 10 -12. Via Roma 15- Trieste.
P.S. These are great stocking stuffers!
Come and visit us at the Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste and pick up some great books. During the month of December you will find Science Fiction and Fantasy Books. € 1 Contribution per book.
Office Hours - Monday to Friday 4-8 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday 10 -12. Via Roma 15- Trieste.
P.S. These are great stocking stuffers!
AIA-FVG / American Corner Trieste
The holidays are upon us. We already kicked off the holiday season with Thanksgiving (see our photos). We are thankful for all of our volunteers and in the month of November a big round of applause goes to Erin, Valentina, Andrea, Sheila, Bethany, Corinna, Milena, Martina! We have over 45 volunteers who work in a variety of roles!
Our 5th annual Holiday festival. American Holiday Recipes, Cookies! Santa Claus Visit, Activities for children, Decorating. See you Friday!
Make improving your English a New Year’s resolution. An English course would be a great and useful gift for your spouse, your children / grandchildren, your mom who loves to travel, and why not… for yourself! Full immersion English, right here in Trieste.
We’ll start of the New Year with an ENGLISH INTENSIVE WEEK. 10 hours (2 hours a day) of English in one week! A great way to get your English jump started. Cost: Euro 130
Adult Beginner – 4-6 pm
Adult Advanced Beginner 6-8 pm
Adult Advanced Conversation 6-8 pm
Adult Intermediate Conversation 6-8 pm
See payment details below.
WINTER SEMESTER COURSES – Winter semester starts on the week of January14th
Regular semester courses will continue! Please feel free to join the Winter session even if you weren’t in the Fall session. Our courses are conversation oriented.
Pay to register: There is a discount of 5% when you pay by bank transfer. Please put name of student, name of the course and give a phone number when you pay online. IBAN: IT49A0200802290000005261887
Children and Teens
Pre-School: Wednesdays: 5-6 p.m start Jan 16 end Mar 27. Total: 10 weeks (10 hours) - euro 100
Elementary: Tuesdays: 4:45 – 6:15pm start Jan 15 end Mar 26. Total: 10 weeks (15 hours)—euro 150
Wednesdays: 3:30 - 5pm start Jan 16 end Mar 27. Total: 10 weeks (15 hours)—euro 150
Middle School: Tuesdays: 3-4:45pm start Jan 15 end Mar 26. Total: 10 weeks (17.5 hours)—euro 225
High School: Thursdays: 3-5pm start Jan 17 end Mar 21. Total: 10 weeks (20 hours)—euro 260
Thursdays: 5:30-7:30pm start Jan 17 end Mar 21. Total: 10 weeks (20 hours)—euro 260
Beginners: Mondays: 4-6pm start Jan14 end Mar 25. Total: 10 weeks (20 hours)—euro 260
Advanced beginners: Mondays: 6-8pm start Jan 14 end Mar 25. Total: 10 weeks (20 hours)—euro 260
Intermediate Conversation:Tuesdays: 6-8pm start start Jan 15 end Mar 26. Total: 10 weeks (20 hours)—euro 260
Advanced Conversation: Wednesdays: 6-8pm start Jan 16 end Mar 27. Total: 10 weeks (20 hours)—euro 260
MEMBERSHIP DRIVE 2012/13 – Exchange your temporary membership card for the permanent one
MEMBERSHIP GOAL FOR 2012-2013: 600. Membership update: 428 (172 to go!)
Join or renew now and take advantage of our programs: American Cinema Series at the Ariston, Made for Each Other at Cappella Underground, Library /Mediateca, Children’s Corner, Invitations to Special Events, Coffee Breaks, Friday American Experience, Saturday Storytime. Membership is: €25 for students (age 16 and over), teachers, over 65, €35 for regular membership. Another great gift idea for family and friends.
AMERICAN FILM SERIES at Cinema Ariston – 2, 4, 6:30 and 9 p.m. – MEMBERS ONLY
To go the movies, you must be a member of AIA –FVG. Sorry, no single admission tickets can be sold.
Dec. 6th –The Big Year – A comedy starring Jack Black and Owen Wilson. 100 min.
GREAT AMERICAN BOOK EXTRAVAGANZA, part 1 – Science Fiction – Month of December
We are updating our library and eliminating some gently used books. This month we are offering Science Fiction Books in English. Stop by the office during office hours and take home some great books for a €1 contribution per book! Great stocking stuffers!
Dec. 13th – Our monthly appointment to have a coffee and some good conversation (in English). On the same date we’ll host the Cookie Exchange. You bring 6 dozen home baked cookies (packaged 1 dozen a package) and bring home a variety of 6 dozen other cookies from our other bakers. What a nice way to get a variety of holiday treats!
The best of American culture and documentaries
Dec. 7th – Conference: From Ragtime to Jazz – Our guest speaker – Livio Laurenti, director/ founder of the Trieste Early Jazz Orchestra and the Joplin Ragtime Orchestra. The conference includes jazz history and music clips. Mr. Laurenti will speak in Italian. December 8th, at 8 pm, the Trieste Early Jazz Orchestra will perform a free concert at the Teatro F. Preseren in Bagnoli della Rosandra. You are all invited!
Dec. 14th – JAZZ a Film by Ken Burns – GUMBO episode 1-–Discover how jazz was born in New Orleans in the 1890’s in the Afro-American Community. A fusion of Caribbean beat, Italian opera, ragtime, military marches, Baptist church music. 90 min.
EF – Education First’s office is in our premises Pick up a brochure and make an appointment with Gloria Viezzoli to learn about language study programs abroad for all ages. e-mail:
Our Office will be closed from December 24th until January 6th! Happy Holidays! See you on January 7th.
2013 will be here soon. With the New Year also comes: Made for Each Other, Saturday Storytime, American Cooking School, Book Club. We’ll keep you posted on our upcoming Great American Book Market.
BOOK CLUB – We would like to start a Book Club in 2013. If you are interested in participating, please contact us.
A CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS – We are a volunteer run organization. If you would like to volunteer, please contact us. We especially need people to work our Front Desk in the afternoons. Think about setting aside 2 hours once a week to give us a hand in answering the phone, checking out library books, answering questions.
STORYTIME PREPARATION – Saturday Storytime starts in January. A call for volunteer Story Readers (mother tongue English), Craft and Activity Assistants! Send us an e-mail or contact us in the office. We are also looking for school supply donations to use for our activities (markers, crayons, colored pencils, construction paper, glue, kiddie scissors, etc.) Please check your closets!
See you in December at the Association! Happy Holidays!
Via Roma 15, 34132 Trieste – 040 63 03 01
Hours: Monday-Friday 4-8pm, Tuesday and Thursday 10-12
EF - November 27, 2012
EF (Education First) has some information sessions scheduled in the Aula Magna of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG, Via Roma 15 - Trieste on Thursday, November 27th.
For more details, contact EF directly: 040 37 28 443,
Here is the schedule:
16.00 - 17.00
PROGRAMMA LA TUA ESTATE - SCEGLI UNA VACANZA-STUDIO DI GRUPPO per giovanissimi (10-14) o studenti medie Superiori (14-18)...
For more details, contact EF directly: 040 37 28 443,
Here is the schedule:
16.00 - 17.00
PROGRAMMA LA TUA ESTATE - SCEGLI UNA VACANZA-STUDIO DI GRUPPO per giovanissimi (10-14) o studenti medie Superiori (14-18)...
oppure dai 16 in su anche un CORSO INDIVIDUALE ALL'ESTERO
17.00 - 18.00
SEMESTRE/ANNO SCOLASTICO ALL'ESTERO per i nati nel 1996 o 1997
18:00 - 19.00
PERCORSI POST DIPLOMA o POST LAUREA - formazione linguistica con Certificazioni Internazionali
17.00 - 18.00
SEMESTRE/ANNO SCOLASTICO ALL'ESTERO per i nati nel 1996 o 1997
18:00 - 19.00
PERCORSI POST DIPLOMA o POST LAUREA - formazione linguistica con Certificazioni Internazionali
Thanksgiving 2012 photos
Thanksgiving 2012 with Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste |
Happy Day after Thanksgiving! We had a wonderful evening at Hostaria Ai 3 Magnoni. Look at our photos on Facebook. Feel free to add pictures.
We do have some leftover Pumpkin Pie and Whipped Cream! Come on down to the office this afternoon. It won't last long!
We do have some leftover Pumpkin Pie and Whipped Cream! Come on down to the office this afternoon. It won't last long!
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