HBU? - Photographic Exhibit

HBU Digital Friendship Exhibit 2018

HBU (How bout you?) is the title of the Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste 3rd annual student photography show during the months of April / May 2018 in connection with Le vie delle Foto. 

Like in previous years, our Italian high school students from the Associazione Italo Americana FVG were partnered with American photography and graphic design students at Abington Friends School in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania. 

This year students were given the task of live chatting with their partners for 3 weeks in order to get to know each other as well as possible. Students then had to take a photograph and choose a quote in order to create a poster for their partner based on what learned about them. We hope our viewers enjoy both the images and inspirational words! 

The same exhibit is displayed at the Abington Friends School in Pennsylvania. 

The exhibit can be viewed for the entire month of MAY 2018.  Here is a LINK to the posters made by the AIA FVG students.