Intensive English Week - January 7-10

Make learning English your New Year's Resolution!  Just in time... starting January 7th!


INTENSIVE ENGLISH CLASSES       Dates: January 7, 8, 9, 10

2 ½ hours a day for 4 days (2,5 ore al giorno per 4 giorni consecutive)
Total: 10 hours
Cost: euro 130*

 Intensive English Beginner (never studied English):  3:30–6pm
Intensive English Advanced Beginner (some English, want to start over and SPEAK): 6-8:30 pm

Intensive English Intermediate Conversation:  6-8:30 pm

Intensive English Advanced Conversation:  6-8:30 pm

Intensive Italian for Foreigners
Start Date: January 8th
Mondays and Wednesdays: 11am- 1pm
Total: 20 hours
Cost: euro 200*


Cash, check or IBAN - IT49A0200802290000005261887. (with IBAN bank transfer, there is a discount of 5% .  Please specify in the Causale: name of course, student name). All participants must be members of the Associazione Italo Americana del FVG. Adult members:  €35, Students over 16, Teachers, Over 65: €25 Under 16 must have an adult member in the family. No discount for membership fees paid with bank transfer.

Contanti, assegno oppure via IBAN.  (Se pagate via IBAN verrà applicato lo sconto del 5%, IBAN IT49A0200802290000005261887, specificare:  Causale: Nome del Corso, Nome dello studente).
Per partecipare ai corsi si deve essere iscritti all’ Associazione Italo Americana FVG. 
Per ragazzi sotto i 16 anni, un membro della famiglia deve essere iscritto. Per adulti, ogni partecipante deve iscriversi all’Associazione.Intero- adulto - €35, Ridotto (studenti, insegnanti, ³ 65 anni) - €25.   Non possiamo concedere lo sconto IBAN per l’iscrizione all’AIA FVG.

Per informazione:  349 8666667     -  -