Children's Corner

The Children's Corner in our library is going strong! And the approval rating from our mini-visitors is excellent!

We had a fantastic inauguration with TV crews, the press, 2 classes of 3rd graders and Jack Hillmeyer, Public Affairs Officer at the US Consulate Milan as our guest reader.

If you missed it, click here for a video reading of "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein, and to see the photos.

Thanks to all who made this Children's Corner possible: Giovanni and Laura at the US Embassy, Carol Perez, Jack and all the people who made book donations in the US Consulate Milan, our volunteers Piero, Cristian, Karoline, Nate, Fenia, Grazia, Igor, Simonetta, Franco, Marilena, Roberta, Michael, Andrea. Let us know if we missed anybody.