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Adult Intensive English

SUMMER ADULT INTENSIVE English Classes at Associazione Italo Americana FVG!

An amazing opportunity to learn English during the summer months! Take advantage of our intensive weeks to refresh and improve your English..and meet new friends!
NEW : Weekend Warrior Fluency Bootcamp: 10 hours of English over a single weekend, focusing on fluency and communication through speaking, reading, videos and many more activities to improve your listening and comprehension levels, as well as increasing your self-confidence when speaking in English
  Need more info now? Call  329 0110424 or write an email to

When you pay with IBAN, there is a 5% discount on the class.*  Students are officially registered when payment is received.
Students may participate in any or all weeks. Space is limited. Sign up early!

Adult Intensive Weeks – 125 Euro per week (IBAN 118.75 Euro) 10 hours total, 6-8pm daily.  
Week 1. June 29th – July 3rd                               
Week 2. September 7th – 11st                           Payment deadline  Aug 31st

Weekend Warrior Fluency Bootcamp - 125 Euro (118.75) 10 hours total
Saturday 2-5pm, Sunday 9am – 1pm 
July 11th – 12th                                                    Payment deadline July 3rd

We also offer INDIVIDUAL LESSONS throughout the year. Cost per hour is 45 Euro.