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I Nostri Giorni Americani - Photographic Exhibit

Photographic Exhibit: Our American Days - I Nostri Giorni Americani - Trieste USA 1945- 1954

In occasion of the 60th anniversary of the departure of TRUST (TRieste US Troops in October 1954) and in Le Vie delle Foto.  Initiative. 

Photos by:    Photos courtesy of the Fototeca Comunale, Ugo Borsatti, De Henriquez Collection,  Private Collections.  Many thanks to Grazia Dall'Acqua - our volunteer Graphic Artist, Dr. Klarer from the Fototeca, Ugo Borsatti!

Open during Office Hours:  Monday to Friday 4-7 pm, Tuesday and Thursday morning 9-12 - for the month of October. 

Open to the Public.